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Series / The Go Show

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An Australian pop music series that featured local performers to showcase their talents that was hosted by Alan Field before Ian Turpie and Johnny Young.

It ran from 1964-1967.

Tropes for the series:

  • Alternate Species Counterpart: The show sometimes parodies fairy tales this way:
  • Furry Reminder: One song is sung from the perspective of a cat, who always meows after singing the chorus.
  • Song of Many Emotions: One song has each verse go "I'm feeling [emotion], I'm feeling [emotion], I'm feeling [emotion] and so I move like this".
  • Too Smart for Strangers: In one animated "George" segments, meant to teach kids about right and wrong via an animated preschooler named George, he gets lost in the supermarket. One variation on this scenario involves a strange man take him by the hand and George yelling, followed by the segment ending and the narrator discussing stranger danger. Another variation involves him talking to a woman in a police uniform, which the narrator says is okay despite technically counting as talking to strangers, the police are there to help.
  • Unconventional Food Usage: In one episode, a girl puts a bowl of spaghetti of her brother's, then later her father's, head and yells, "Spaghetti hair!".
  • Warning Song: The show has a song called "Never Cross the Road on Your Own" which talks about how to safely cross the road and repeatedly warns against crossing the road on your own.
