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Series / The Defenders (1961)

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E. G. Marshall as Lawrence Preston (left), Robert Reed
as Kenneth Preston (right).

An American Courtroom Drama created by Reginald Rose (best known as the author of 12 Angry Men) and airing for four seasons (1961–65) on CBS, following a father and son team of New York defense attorneys (E. G. Marshall and Robert Reed) as they took on a variety of cases.

The show's cast also featured Polly Rowles, Joan Hackett, Ossie Davis, J. D. Cannon, Lonny Chapman, John Boruff, Walter Klavun, and Frank Overton.

Tropes for series:

  • Alliterative Name:
    • Miles Morgan.
    • Carl Cunningham.
    • Louise Lofting.
    • Myra Maxwell.
    • Carol Clark.
  • Ambiguous Innocence: Lawrence and Kenneth defend a man accused of murder who says he is innocent. As they rise to hear the verdict, the defendant turns to his lawyer and says, "However it turns out, I want you to know I did it". The verdict is "Not Guilty" and the man walks out free.
  • Drugs Are Bad: Averted in the episode "Fires of the Mind", first aired in 1965. Donald Pleasence plays the Leary expy, on trial for murder after one of his students took his own life. Instead of "drugs are bad", the Arnold Manoff screenplay showed both sides. Lawrence is so disgusted that he quits the case; Kenneth tries LSD to see what its like and testifies that he had a positive experience.
  • One-Word Title: Several episodes, including "Perjury", "Poltergeist", "Ordeal", "Metamorphosis", "Loophole", "Blacklist", "Survival", "Stowaway", "Comeback", and "Impeachment".
  • Tagline: "Tense drama in and out of court in the notes series with E.G. Marshall and Robert Reed."
