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Series / Bumble

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A 1999 New Zealand children's puppet series that has Bumble (Jason Gunn) and his friends going on adventures and learning new lessons.

The show also starred Chris Harding, Lynda Milligan, Janice Bateman, and Olly Ohlson.

It aired from 1999 to 2002.

Tropes for the series:

  • Affection-Hating Kid: One episode where Boo is reading to a sick Peek and he says he feels sick. When Boo tells him to throw up in his bucket, he says, "No, not that sick kind - kissing stories make me sick!"
  • Baffled by Own Biology: Peek gets his first stomach bug and initially mistakes it for hunger, then when he throws up, he fears his stomach exploded.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Anne, the mouse, is never to be seen again after the first season.
  • Furry Reminder: Bumble the Bee talks but often says "Zzz". This is actually Artistic License – Biology; bees buzzing is not a vocalization but rather the noise of their wings beating together.
  • Honesty Aesop: In an episode, Boo notices Peek dislikes the story she made up because it's unrealistic, but he likes Fishy's true story. So she thinks that Peek will like her stories better if she said they were true, and tells him a story about how she was "beamed" to the moon on a moonbeam. Peek believes this and waits for a moonbeam to do the same to him outside. The lesson of the episode is that making up stories is fine, but if you try to make someone believe they're true, you're lying, which is bad.
  • Lost Voice Plot: In one episode, Bumble loses his voice and Boo wants to "find it".
  • Missed Meal Aesop: One episode has Boo and Peek are preoccupied studying and trying to fix a toy car (which, unbeknown to him, just has dead batteries respectively, but they skip lunch and become irritable. The moral is that being busy is good, but everyone needs to eat.
  • Mystery Episode: Downplayed in one episode. Half the episode is about Peek playing detective trying to figure out who tore the page from a cookbook, the other half is about how to deal with the situation once it's revealed that it was Boo.
  • One-Word Title: Bumble.
  • Out-of-Context Eavesdropping: In an episode with An Aesop about listening, Fishy states that "it might rain or it might not". Bumble doesn't hear the "might not" and thinks it will definitely rain. He remarks "we'd better take the clothes in case there's going to be a storm", but Boo only hears "there's going to be a storm" part and tells Peek that there will be a storm and might be a flood, but he's distracted by playing and only hears something about a flood, so he starts to prepare for a flood.
  • Seeking the Intangible: One episode has the eponymous bee lose his voice and Boo thinks that a voice is an actual being and goes searching for it. Bumble, instead of telling her that a voice is just a sound, tells her that his voice is just “having a rest”.
  • Warning Song: The show has an episode where Fishy says, "It might rain or it might not." Bumble wasn't listening properly and didn't hear the "might not", so he tells someone else that it's going to rain and that they'd better take clothes in off the line case there's a storm. Boo just hears something about storms and so sings a song to Peek, warning him that he'd better not be outside "when the wind begins to roar".
