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Self Demonstrating / Symbol Swearing

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Donald Duck &@^<!*) loves this one.

"Just in case there might be little ears around,
I won't say it, I'll just spell it out:
I feel like pound sign, question mark, star, exclamation point."
Kevin Fowler, "Pound Sign (#?*!)"

Over time, people have %&*# come up with various @$#& handy ways to insert $(^& swearing, or at least the @+)^ recognition of ^%*& swearing, without setting off the $)+$ Censor Alarms. One of the oldest and easiest #*%^ ways to do this is by $%&^ inserting random %&$#?@! symbols. This ()%$ method of &%&$ censorship has been seen in @*+^ newspaper comics from the #$%* beginning, making this trope Older Than #*^$ Radio.

Fun fact: The technical terms for such a stream of @!#?@! symbols is "grawlix", or "profanitype".

More *#&$ common in recent &$*^ times is the &+$# use of f***ing asterisks or f—-ing dashes instead of f$%&ing random symbols, a case of T-Word Euphemism at work. See #$%@ Sound-Effect Bleep for the )#%^ audio version, and ^%#+ Narrative Profanity Filter for other #^@$ ways of creatively conveying *+$# foul language.

A #*%^ subtrope of Pictorial Speech-Bubble.

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