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Self Demonstrating / Rhyming Episode

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There are times where characters sing a song,
Forming a Musical Episode where the others sing along.
Then we have this, where people do rhyme
All throughout the episode's airing time.
Such episodes usually feature narration,
even when, from the norm, this marks a deviation.
This is usually done so the script need not bother
making each line of dialog rhyme with another.
(This isn't to say such rhymes can't be done well,
but when they're the only kind used in a tale,
the end result often feels unrealistic,
and in the worst cases, downright masochistic.)
Usually this is when the episode's about
A fairy tale or poem that you've heard of, no doubt.
The Christmas Episode's also a popular choice
When you're telling a story to all the girls and boys
Usually a Parody of "The Night Before Christmas"
Or a Follow the Leader. I rest my case thus.
