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Sandbox / Strip Nude For Your Killer

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Strip Nude for Your Killer

Directed by Andrea Bianchi

Starring Edwige Fenech


0:00-4:00 Eveline dies of cardiac arrest in the middle of an abortion. Doctor calls 2nd man; they transport her to her apt. and stage a natural death in the bathtub. Opening credits.

Approx. 5:40 Split-second flashback to Eveline in tub.

Doctor is killed by figure with Black Gloved Hands and motorcycle helmet

Cut to pool/spa

7:38 - Jerk is following and photographing bottom of woman ignoring him (they’re all in swimsuits, where are they?)

8:07 - “Carlo” bypasses woman actually into him

9:34 - fashion photographer, gets her into sauna, takes off her bikini top
