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Sandbox / Confused Monster

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The story features at least one monster obviously capable of murdering anything they set their eyes onnote . They're bulky, have lots of horns and spikes or rows of sharp teeth and claws. In other words they look really menacing and definitely not like someone you'd engage with in a friendly conversation, or actually any conversation in fact.

The moster bursts onto the scene seemingly ready to deliver a curb-stomping of horrendous proportions and...

...pauses in utter confusion about what's going on or why they're here in the first place.

Perhaps the monster isn't as vile as expected. Perhaps they doesn't even know they're a monster or don't consider themself as such. They may have gone on a bloody rampage without even knowing it. Or they are a really vile monster, but something else beat them to causing the carnage in question.

Whichever it is the monster fails to comprehend the outcome of the situation and just proceeds to question, what the heck happened. Note that this trope requires the monster to be at least semi-intelligent and capable of speech.


Anime and Manga

  • An Ordinary High-School Student in Kemonozume is going on a date with his girlfriend and they kiss for the first time. Overwhelmed by the experience he briefly zones out. Moments later he comes back to the view of bloody mangled lower half of her body sitting on a bench in the park. In shock he looks at both his hands having transformed themselves into hideous claws. Cut to him now in the form of a grotesque monster exclaiming: "What the hell is this?!" while the upper half of his dead girlfriend falls out of his mouth.


  • In the Oglaf strip Beot two Proud Warrior Race guys in a tavern are boasting about how they're going to beat the titular monster. They come up with gradually more challenging ways up to the point of total ludicrosity. Gilligan Cut to Beot bursting into the tavern only to freeze on the spot at the sight of the place being covered in human guts with totaly baffled expression.
    Beot: What the f**k happened here?
