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Sandbox / Clerk Wick Check

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  • Western Characters: Index
  • ImageSource.Photography
  • Laconic.Clerk
  • Meek Townsman: By contrast to the standard Western protagonist, the Meek Townsman is usually a bit short, skinny and has a tendency to wear glasses. Typical occupations for the character include Clerk and the Shopkeeper, but can be any non-combat position up to and including the mayor. This character may be a Henpecked Husband as well.
  • Paperworkaholic: Their love of the job usually means that they will not be a Beleaguered Bureaucrat unless they happen to be having a particularly bad day. Most Desk Jockeys would prefer to be back in the action, though a few may come to prefer their position behind a desk. Most likely the a Paperworkaholic is also a Clerk.
  • White Collar Worker: As office machinery such as the typewriter, adding machine, mimeograph etc. became available starting in the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, clerical workers began shifting their skill sets from the Clerk to the modern White Collar Worker. In particular, many women joined the workforce, though they tended to be stuck in the lower-ranked and lower-paying "pink collar" office jobs. Women's roles in the office both in real life and media have improved over the decades.
  • WeAreNotAlone.Tropes Zero To D: Index
