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Sandbox / Character Development Thread Heist

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  • Although it is recommended tropers join at the beginning arrests, one may freely write in their character at any moment during the thread. During the preparation stages, you can hint that our mutual benefactor has sent you to help at the last minute. In the heist itself, you can ask the heist coordinator (the meng watching the monitors at safehouse) to join in, and she'll get you acquainted with what help is needed.
    • Alternatively, you can join with the Casino staff/guard as an opposing view to the story. Security is especially tight opening night.
  • As a crossover thread goes, we know how weird it seems to put say, a psychic elf beside a cyborgized ex-soldier. To fix any possible grumbling, assume everyone is used to seeing things, however strange it is.note 
    • Counter-point: Try not to insert Gods and characters on the heavier end of the Super Weight scale. Don't want to make things too easy for us, would we?
  • The general policies for all Character Development Threads apply here. Try to keep a good etiquette of role-playing, for people to contribute to the story.
