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Rewarded As A Traitor Deserves / Anime & Manga

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Times where someone is Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves in Anime and Manga.

  • Herr Gutheimer in Adolf is a Jewish businessman who has dealings with Nazi-affiliated companies. This does absolutely nothing to deter the Nazis from sending him and most of his family to the camps.
  • The anime OVA of Ai no Kusabi has this combined with You Have Out Lived Your Usefulness. Iason has successfully used former Bison gang member Kirie to sell out and destroy the gang. When Kirie shows up to collect his reward money, he's instead taken away, Brainwashed and turned into an unthinking and obedient Pet.
  • Casshan: Robot Hunter: Happens to the human prisoner who betrays Luna and his fellow prisoners' escape attempt, under the assumption that he'd be freed.
  • Chainsaw Man:
  • In Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Kiwi is persuaded by Smug Snake Faraday to sell out the gang, but quickly becomes a Regretful Traitor. After agreeing to meet with him one final time to tell him off, she's then shot for knowing too much. Before dying, she manages to send one last message to the gang to let them know where the captive Lucy is.
  • In D.Gray-Man Suman Dark is defeated by Tyki Mikk and begs for his life. He is offered to survive if he betrays his comrades. After all his good deeds, Tyki thanks him by having him devoured from inside by flesh-eating butterflies.
  • In the Digimon movie X-Evolution, after WarGreymon X gathers a group of Digimon in an attempt to band them together for survival against the Knight Templar Royal Knights, Andromon reveals that he's already come into contact with them. When Omegamon arrives, he's one of those gunned down by the Jogressed Ultimate.
  • Digimon Fusion has this attempted when Pinocchimon steals Taiki's Digivice to have GrandLocomon allow him out of their Zone. Naturally, GrandLocomon takes it for himself and nearly kills Pinocchimon in turn.
  • In Fairy Tail's Tartarus arc, the former head of the magic council, Crawford, is revealed to have allied with the demons for a hefty amount of gold despite knowing that they plan to wipe out all magic on the continent and kill all humans when they're defenseless. However, to do so, the demons need to kill the other former members who're living keys to activate the doomsday weapon. When down to one last key which Jellal has, Crawford uses his magic to transfer the key to himself with the intention of passing it on to someone else that the demons can kill. You can guess what happens when he shows this to the demons.
  • The manga Gundam Legacy has a particularly extreme example in its final story arc, where some Zeon remnants launch a plan to nuke their former home colony. The betrayal, at least in their eyes, is that most of Zeon surrendered after losing the One-Year War rather than fighting to the very last man, which is apparently a crime worthy of killing millions of innocents.
  • In the Hellsing manga, the captain of a aircraft carrier, the HMS Invincible, turns it over to Millennium (turning the rest of the crew into ghouls in the process) in exchange for becoming a vampire. Rip Van Winkle arrives, congratulates him, informs him that his new orders are to "provide nutrients for the fish" and blows him away with her gun. When this happens in OVA 4, she makes sure to point out that he "betrayed his True Companions" just for his own benefit. Although it's worth noting this paints her as a massive Hypocrite. At the beginning of that same OVA, she helped The Major betray their superior officers, who they (falsely) promised to turn into vampires in exchange for their financial support.
  • Naruto, Episode #187: When the Lord of the Land of Vegetables is betrayed by his people, the collaborators are dispatched by the band of bandits they betrayed their feudal lord to. When the last one to be killed asks why, the villain recites this trope.
  • In Overlord (2012), Zanac leads an army on behalf of the Re-Estize Kingdom to parley with Ainz and attempt to negotiate an end to the war with the Sorcerer Kingdom. Though their talk fails to get Ainz to end the war, both rulers manage to reach a sense of understanding and mutual respect. However, while Zanac has resigned himself to die in battle, the nobles under him have a different idea: they kill him and offer his severed head as a gift in the hopes that Ainz will spare their lives. Ainz rewards the nobles by sending them and their families to Neuronist, later sending her instructions to not kill them until they beg for death (and to not kill them too quickly when they do); after all, in Nazarick, death is a mercy that frees one from suffering, and in Ainz's eyes, the treacherous nobles deserve no such mercy. Not content with that, Ainz decides that the Re-Estize Kingdom is no longer worth his leniency, and orders his forces to kill every last soldier and citizen he hasn't spared yet.
  • Ranking of Kings: Douma is guilty of betraying Bojji's trust by voting against him becoming king despite being the closest to him as his mentor. Once Daida takes over as a king, he admonishes him and threatens to get rid of him, pointing out that such a betrayal of the trust of a member of the royal family makes him inherently unreliable to have around. He instead gave him the task to assassinate Bojji to regain his trust, which itself makes matters even worse, as in the process, he is left an emotional wreck for doing such a thing, loses his hand in a subsequent confrontation, and can't return to the palace.
  • In To Love Ru, during Trouble Quest, almost all the characters are trapped in a VR game that seems to have Magical Girl Kyoko from Lala's favorite Show Within a Show as the Big Bad. Run, The Queen and her posse all agree to stop the progress of Rito and Lala's group in exchange for being sent home. Run ends up being chased by the pervert Principal (again) and Aya's would-be spell renders her own team topless. Their betrayal must have angered Yami, for she doesn't even punish Rito for gawking at them when this happens. In the end, not being with the main group has them all forgotten about when Kyoko is revealed as Lala's even more irresponsible sisters, testing Lala's circle of Earth friends. As a result, they are transported to the Amazon, where wackiness ensues.
  • During Vinland Saga, half of Askeladd's men turn traitor during a Stern Chase to escape Thorkell, and capture Askeladd. When Thorkell finally catch up to the waiting (and surrendering) traitors, he 'rewards' them by letting them pick up their own weapons again so they can die honourably and go to Valhalla when his men kill them. He leaves Askeladd alive.
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh!, the Big Five betrayed Gozaburo Kaiba to help Seto with his takeover. Seto would award them by demoting them to powerless figureheads of the company.
