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Referenced By / Raggedy Ann

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Films — Live-Action

  • Amanda from Change of Habit is very attached to her Raggedy Ann doll and gets upset if anyone tries to take it away.
  • Jingle All the Way: There is a scene near the end of the film with a large parade of famous cartoon characters and mascots. Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy can be seen marching in the parade in a few shots.


Live-Action Television

  • The Big Bang Theory: In "The Hologram Excitation", Sheldon and Amy can't agree on a couple's costume for Stuart's Halloween party; Amy wants Raggedy Ann and Andy, Sheldon wants R2-D2 and C-3PO. They compromise (Sheldon: "I lost") and go as Raggedy Ann and Raggedy C-3PO.
  • Fantasy Island: In "The Handyman," the orphanage has a Raggedy Ann doll leaning against the wall.
  • The West Wing: In the pilot, a group of Christian pols complain to President Bartlett about being victimized, but Bartlett silences them by bringing up a recent incident in which a fringe group sent his granddaughter a Raggedy Ann doll with a knife in its throat when she revealed her pro-choice views.
  • Sesame Street: During the "Toothpaste March" animated segment, a Raggedy Andy doll is seen reclining in the foreground.


  • Laura Branigan's Hold Me album cover pictures her holding a Raggedy Andy doll.


  • The 1923 musical The Stepping Stones had a Raggedy Ann-themed "ragtime" (actually more of a foxtrot) song and dance number, performed by the show's two stars (the real-life father-daughter team of Fred and Dorothy Stone) wearing Raggedy Ann and Andy costumes.

Western Animation

  • Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers: In "Dirty Rotten Diapers", Gadget and Dale dress up in costumes that resemble Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy.
  • Family Guy:
    • In "Fifteen Minutes of Shame", Peter and Lois go in disguise to avoid the camera crews that have been following them, and Peter says they better go back because they think they're taking Chris to soccer practice. The scene then cuts to reveal they've placed Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls in the front seats.
      Chris: We're gonna be late! ...WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME?!
    • In "No Meals on Wheels", Stewie goes to a thrift store and tries out an On-the-Raggedy Ann doll, which says a variety of manic-depressive phrases.
      Stewie: Well, I guess I can still play with it three weeks out of the month.
  • My Life as a Teenage Robot has an episode titled "Raggedy Android". In this episode, Dr. Wakeman creates a human exoskin for Jenny to give her the appearance of a normal teenage girl so she can visit the carnival with Brad and Tuck. However, due to the rushed production, the human exoskin looks more like a giant ragdoll, which freaks everybody out. The episode received a Sequel Episode in the form of "The Return of Raggedy Android", where the human exoskin is now improved so Jenny can hang out at Mesmer's diner, which has a strict "No Robots" policy. However, the exoskin is sentient and takes control of Jenny's body.
  • Robot Chicken:
    • A sketch from "Moesha Poppins" features Raggedy Ann committing suicide by steam press after her longtime companion, Raggedy Andy died in the late 80's and became a permanent part of the AIDS quilt.
    • In a sketch from "President Evil", Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy make cameo appearances as two of the little girl's toys when the little girl's father destroys her doll for saying she hates him for making her go to bed when she doesn't want to.
  • The Simpsons: The short film Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare" features Raggedy Ayn Rand dolls.
  • South Park: The episode "Pinkeye" has Stan dressing as Raggedy Andy for Halloween and getting humiliated not only because of it, but also because Wendy was supposed to be dressed as Raggedy Ann but picked up a Chewbacca mask instead.
