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Referenced By / Labyrinth

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Labyrinth is a film with a large fanbase, including other creators, which has led to allusions to it being included in many other works. For references to David Bowie and his music see David Bowie.


Comic Books
  • I Hate Fairyland had an arc where Gertrude was trapped inside a labyrinth and encountered a pastiche of Jareth with comically oversized testicles. Gertrude quips about the Jareth stand-in needing to see a doctor about it and calls him out on wanting to marry her when she hasn't aged past six since getting stuck in Fairyland.
  • Kingdom Come: An unnamed background character in the Gulag is a dead ringer for David Bowie as the Goblin King, Package and all.

Fan Works

  • The Ultimate Evil: Lines from Sarah and Jareth's final confrontation are used when Shendu is confronted by Valerie Payne in the antepenultimate chapter.


  • October Daye: In Ashes of Honor, when Toby asks Tybalt to "do whatever hoodoo you need to do", he says, "I'm the King of Cats, October, not the King of Goblins". She tells him to "make like a Henson character and start scrying for our missing boy."
  • The Wee Free Men: The ballroom drome-dream intentionally resembles the peach dream scene from Labyrinth.


  • A Very Potter Musical: Lucius Malfoy' costume is based on Jareth's. While the tights, vest, and puffy shirt are a standard male classical ballet costume, which was a huge part of Lucius's character, Word of God confirmed that they were going for the Labyrinth reference.

Video Games

  • AdventureQuest: The Unicorn Bowie weapon says that the 'bowie' of the weapon is of the cutting kind, not the Goblin King kind, referencing David Bowie as the Goblin King in Labyrinth.
  • Battleborn: One of Orendi's taunts uses her four hands to make a face reminiscent of the scene in the film of many hands making similar pantomimed faces.
  • Emperor Mateus Palmecia from Final Fantasy II greatly resembles Jareth. His English voice actor evidently picked up on this, as his performance is very similar to Bowie's. Plus, there's the fact that his gameplay in Dissidia is based entirely around setting up traps.
  • Kingdom Hearts II: While fighting Demyx in both Olympus Coliseum and the Battle of the 1000 Heartless, his line when summoning his water clones is "Dance Water Dance". Demyx is also modified after Jareth, only as a teenager (though Demyx is The Ageless, being a Dandelion).
  • One level in Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion is named Labyrinth Station. While this in itself might not necessarily seem like a reference to the film, it's made more explicit in the level's subtitle: "Splat magic splat!"

Web Comics

  • The Goblin Queen from Charby the Vampirate has a smirk, hairstyle and entourage designed to bring Jareth to mind.

Western Animation

  • Bob's Burgers: S07E18 title "The Laser-inth" is a Shout-Out to the film.
  • Gravity Falls: In the Mabel's Guide to Life short "Mabel's Guide to Fashion" Mabel and her friends make Soos over to look like Jareth. Doubles as a Development Gag, referencing a planned episode with a Whole-Plot Reference to Labyrinth, which was scrapped since executives thought kids wouldn't get the reference.
  • The Muppet Babies (1984) episode "Nice to Have Gnome You" uses footage from the film and has some of the Muppet Babies portray characters from the film, such as Gonzo portraying Hoggle and Animal portraying Ludo.
  • Robot Chicken:
    • A sketch from "Eviscerated Post-Coital by a Six Foot Mantis" features an adult Toby seeing a psychiatrist about his experiences with Jareth.
    • A later sketch has Sarah call out Jareth on how creepy he is trying to seduce her, with him nervously trying to deflect and preserve his reputation as she threatens to get him canceled on Twitter. The words she ends up remembering are "#MeToo" which has the same effect of erasing his power.
