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Recap / Zoeys Extraordinary Playlist S 1 E 9 Zoeys Extraordinary Silence

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Zoey attempts to reconcile Howie and his deaf daughter, Abigail, who disagree about how the latter should live her life. Max is offered a job on the sixth floor by Ava, another high-ranking executive. Mo confronts Simon, leading him to make a decision about Jessica.

Songs in this episode:

Tropes in this episode:

  • Bilingual Bonus: Fight Song is "sung" in ASL without subtitles.
  • No Pregger Sex: The pregnant Emily hasn't had sex with David in months because the latter is concerned about her comfort.
  • Sympathetic Adulterer: How Mo views Simon. He was convinced the latter was a player, but sees that he is instead a good person who is genuinely torn between Jessica and Zoey.
  • Translator Buddy: Tobin is fluent in ASL and facilitates the conversation between Abigail (who is deaf) and Zoey at SPRQ Point.
