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Recap / Yu Gi Oh First Anime Series Ep 8 The Four Game Masters Finally Move Out

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Yugi is kidnapped by Kaiba, and forced to duel the first of his four Game Masters, Count Ridley Sheldon who has a strange obsession with dolls. Can Yami Yugi defeat his doll monsters?

Tropes associated with this episode:

  • Big Damn Heroes: Yugi loses his first duel with the nurse doll, before Yami Yugi takes over and defeats Sheldon.
  • Creepy Doll: In the first scene with him, Sheldon is having a tea party with his dolls. When dueling Yugi, he had the dolls watching him. Yugi even comments on how disturbing this is.
  • Loners Are Freaks: It's unknown if Sheldon has any friends of any age. Based on his opening scene, though, he may be alone, which is why he had a "tea party" set up for him and his mannequins.
  • Stalker without a Crush: Kaiba manages to find Yugi at an arcade and kidnaps him.
  • The Tease: Miho offers to kiss Yugi if he beats her at the next duel. This gets Jounouchi and Honda to try playing, too.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Sheldon ups his game when Fiona, one of his most treasured dolls, gets singed.
  • Wham Line: After Yugi's duel with the nurse, and Yugi leaves, the nurse smiles... and then starts speaking with a male voice before it's revealed she's a life-size puppet!
