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Recap / Yu Gi Oh Capsule Monsters E 6 Trial Of Light And Shadow

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Yugi and his friends find themselves on a floating island, high above the clouds. The sunlight is extremely strong. When Yugi collapses from using the Duel Armor to pass the previous challenge, Joey, Tristan, and Solomon Muto decide to help him out and solve the next test on their own. The Trial of Light and Shadow apparently involves breaking an unbreakable rock in the Valley of Light. Tea stays behind to tend to Yugi, while the others head for the Valley. Yugi has a nightmare of his Duel Armor not being enough to save them.

In the Valley, the sun rises overhead once a day, filling the entire area with harsh light. Tristan tries to break the stone monolith with Thunder Kid, but it doesn't scratch it at all. Just then, a Prisman appears. Powered by the sun, the creature shoots lasers at Tristan, who barely dodges. He realizes that the Prisman's lasers made a small hole in the rock, and if he can keep it firing at him, he'll have enough to work with to break it. Tristan taunts and goads the Prisman into attacking him repeatedly, a dangerous task when one hit could end him. Meanwhile, Yami Yugi reads the clue and realizes that the riddle was only half-complete, as there was no mention of shadows in the explanation. Tea suggests they read it in the shade, and Yami realizes that's the solution! Reading the riddle in the darkness causes the second half to appear—and Yami realizes that his friends are in danger. He and Tea hurry to the Valley.

The Prisman's lasers put enough dents in the rock to crack it, and with Joey distracting it, Tristan and Thunder Kid manage to break the rock. They finish off the Prisman together, and celebrate having cleared the challenge... only for a shadowy Skull Guardian to rise from where the rock was. It attacks the group, and Yami Yugi arrives in time to rebuff its attack with his Duel Armor. He knocks the Skull Guardian away, but instead of destroying it, shows mercy. The second riddle said that a creature of darkness would appear, but only the righteous and peaceful would be able to pass—once the treasure chest appeared, the creature would stop attacking, and had they destroyed it, they would lose.

The masked man from before appears in person this time, acknowledging Yami's words of wisdom. Yami asks what will happen if they fail or pass the trials. To fail means they'll be trapped in this world until the next warrior arrives. To win will prove Yami is a true king and the power they deserve will be theirs. Yami protests that he doesn't want any power, but the masked figure says there are those who do and Yami must claim it, lest those with evil intentions get to it first. He bids them farewell, and Tristan apologizes to Yugi for having to bail them out again. Joey cheers him up by reminding him that it was a team effort, and he came up with brilliant ideas on his own. With the endowment of wings, the group flies towards the third trial. Meanwhile, Alex Brisbane waits back in the pyramid, gloating that the power he craved will soon be his...

This episode contains examples of:

  • A Day in the Limelight: While Yugi ultimately saves the day, it's Tristan who gets everyone that far in the first place.
  • Crystalline Creature: Joey, Tristan, and Yugi's grandfather find themselves going up against Prisman, a humanoid monster made entirely out of crystals.
  • Eyelid Pull Taunt: Tristan makes Joey do this to a Prisman in order to draw its attacks.
