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Recap / X-Men: Messiah Complex- Chapter Nine

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X-Men: Messiah Complex- Chapter Nine
A Bleak Future.

"Right now, nothing matters except that child. Everything we know points to Cable. He made his choice, I’ve made mine."
Scott Summers/Cyclops

X-Men Vol. 2 #206 is Chapter Nine of Thirteen in the Messiah Complex event. It was written by Mike Carey, pencilled by Chris Bachalo, inked by Tim Townswnd, colored by Brian Edgar, lettered by Corey Petit and edited by Nick Lowe. It has a cover date of February 2008.

Following the events of the previous issue, Dupe!Madrox and Layla Miller are forced into a mutant concentration camp where they are shaved, tortured and branded. In the present the X-Men are hot on Cable’s heels, but Bishop beats them to it.


  • Badass in Distress: Dupe!Madrox is completely at the mercy of his captors, despite his abilities.
  • Heroic BSoD: James Proudstar is completely distraught over Caliban’s tragic death, though he still marches on.
  • Shower of Awkward: Layla is not given any privacy when she is forced to take a shower in the camp.
    Warden: Pick it up, girl. This ain’t no summer camp.
  • Traumatic Haircut: In the camp, Dupe!Madrox and Layla are shaved bald.
  • Wardens Are Evil: The concentration camp’s wardens are sadistic, petty thugs who delight in their job.
