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Recap / World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

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Story recap page for the eighth World of Warcraft expansion pack, Shadowlands.

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After murdering High Overlord Saurfang using otherworldly powers, Sylvanas Windrunner travels to Icecrown Citadel and destroys the Lich King's Helm of Domination, tearing a rift in the sky above Icecrown, leading to the Shadowlands, realm of the dead. Dark angelic figures kidnap King Anduin Wrynn, former Warchief Thrall, tauren chieftain Baine Bloodhoof and Lady Jaina Proudmoore and hold them in Torghast, the maze-like Tower of the Damned within the Maw. Tyrande Whisperwind (empowered by the moon goddess Elune as the "Night Warrior" after the burning of Teldrassil), aided by Azeroth's champions, confronts and kills Sylvanas' consort, Nathanos Blightcaller, outside his former homestead in the Eastern Plaguelands.
