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Recap / Warrior Cats: Ravenpaw's Farewell

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Ravenpaw's Farewell is the ninth novella; one of the three in the Shadows of the Clans compilation alongside Mapleshade's Vengeance and Goosefeather's Curse. It takes place after the SkyClan manga trilogy and before Hawkwing's Journey.

Tropes appearing in this novella:

  • A Day in the Limelight: Ravenpaw's, aside from his manga trilogy.
  • A Death in the Limelight: We see Ravenpaw's death from his POV.
  • Attack the Tail: When Violet's kits first meet Ravenpaw and Barley, Riley pounces on Ravenpaw's tail.
  • Dead Person Conversation: Ravenpaw speaks to several StarClan cats: Silverstream, Cloudstar, and Skywatcher.
  • Dream Intro: The novella begins with Ravenpaw dreaming of his old friends Fireheart and Graystripe.
  • I Want My Mommy!: Bella, who's still mostly a kit, says this on the way to SkyClan after being chased by a dog.
  • I Will Find You: Half of Ravenpaw's final statement.
  • I Will Wait for You: The other half of Ravenpaw's final statement.
  • A Pet into the Wild: Violet's kits were born as kittypets; however, they wanted to become warriors. Violet let Ravenpaw take them to New SkyClan.
  • Series Continuity Error: Ravenpaw knows about "daylight warriors", which is why he decides to bring Riley and Bella to SkyClan. He claims Firestar told him. Firestar left SkyClan before the rank of "daylight warriors" was established.
    • However, it is shown in SkyClan's Destiny and After the Flood that Spottedleaf visits Leafstar in dreams, so it is possible she told Firestar in a dream, who subsequently told Ravenpaw. This, however, is highly unlikely.
  • Shout-Out: The line "There is a secret that I have kept from you without meaning to: I have always been a warrior." is a reference to the line "That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry." from The Avengers. When Vicky got the go-ahead to write a novella about Ravenpaw's final days, the original version of the line in her head was "That's my secret, Barley. I have always been a warrior." (She changed it enough so that it wouldn't be so obvious that the line was lifted from the movie.) From there she got the idea for the rest of the book, that Ravenpaw would be confronted with his warrior loyalties one last time before his death.
  • You Fool!: Barley calls Ravenpaw a fool for wanting to bring Bella and Riley, who have no experience with living in the wild, to SkyClan, which Ravenpaw has never been to.
