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Recap / Walker Texas Ranger S5E20 "Trial Of LaRue"

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Tropes seen in this episode:

  • Asshole Victim: One of LaRue's victims is another hardened criminal awaiting his own trial. LaRue manipulates him into working with him before shooting him point blank when he refuses to associate with him any longer. Later LaRue himself gets shot down like a dog by Walker who finally had enough of his bullshit.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Although a recurring trope in the series, this episode is one of the leading trope makers for the series. After hours of terror and anarchy inside a courtroom where he begins violating Alex, Walker shows up to give LaRue the confrontation he wants ... and to put a quick, decisive stop to things.
  • Dies Wide Open: After Walker (finally) guns down LaRue, he falls over dead ... but his eyes are wide open and a vicious look is on his face, adding to the nightmarishness of his character.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: LaRue pretends to broker a deal with another hardened criminal, who is also about to stand trial on his own murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, etc., charges. Unfortunately for him, he realizes that LaRue has some diabolical plans that even he wants no part o ... too late.
  • "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Very much absent here. Instead of Alex, Walker and the gang all having a few good laughs at CD's Place and making Trivette the butt of one last joke as though nothing had happened, we instead get Alex suffering an extreme episode of PTSD as she envisions LaRue's corpse staring out at her one last time, as a parting shot of sorts. (Perhaps this was a sign to fans that a follow-up episode was planned, with LaRue somehow surviving and planning an even more vicious and insane plan to kill Alex, but this ended up indeed being the last episode featuring LaRue.)
  • Forced to Watch: The survivors of LaRue's rampage will surely suffer from severe PTSD for the rest of their lives – maybe even beyond – as they can only watch him kill several courtroom bailiffs, his defense attorney, the judge and another prisoner awaiting his own hearing ... and that's as he's licking his lips as he finally gets to rape Alex, all this as Trivette is begging LaRue to stop and a the parents of a young girl are desperately trying to shield her eyes. (Surprisingly, LaRue didn't tape the girl's eyes open and force her to watch ... this after she's already witnessed multiple murders.)
  • Insanity Defense: LaRue forces his attorney to use this. On the day of his hearing on a long list of murder, robbery, rape, kidnapping ... (the list goes on) charges (most with Alex as his victim), he pretends to have a psychotic episode, which leads to a situation where he is able to take over the courtroom. That's when the attorney decides to fire his client.
  • Jump Scare: Alex has a conscious nightmare as the corpse of LaRue – while being taken out of the courtroom on a gurney – appears to pop out at her and give her one last Death Glare.
  • Karmic Death: LaRue finally gets shot down.
  • Kangaroo Court: After seizing control of the courtroom, LaRue makes all sorts of insane demands ... with the full intention of brutally raping and killing Alex in front of Walker, before raping and killing him too.
  • Made of Iron and Stone Wall: When Walker finally does show up to stop LaRue's rampage, the villain shoots at him repeatedly. Normally, the hail of gunfire would drop anyone ... but not Walker, who No Sells being shot before Walker finally fires a single bullet that wounds LaRue, and – before LaRue can return fire – a second that finally kills him.
  • Meanwhile, Back at the…: All the while LaRue's maniacal rampage is running roughshod in the courtroom, Walker is out tracking down a pair of (very tame by comparison) poachers. Those scenes are interspersed with the drama back in Dallas. Once Walker captures them ... his sense that something is very wrong kicks in, and is confirmed once he gets a call alerting him as to what's going on.
  • Obviously Evil: Courtroom security knew what LaRue was capable of, but even they can't anticipate what plan he hatches to seize control of the courtroom in an attempt to get his prizes – sex with Alex and a final confrontation with Walker.
  • Security Cling: After it is confirmed that LaRue is dead, Alex immediately grabs onto Walker ... and won't let go.
  • Would Hurt a Child ... or maybe even kill her point blank (after brutally hurting her beforehand) if she doesn't play his game and tell him which of her two divorcing parents she wants to live with. (She wanted them to reconcile.) LaRue repeatedly threatens her and these grow even more severe as he is about to snap at any moment.
