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Recap / Volume 1: Shadows of Angmar

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"Our worst fears have come to pass. The One Ring has revealed itself...and as the Fellowship prepares for its perilous journey to Mount Doom, the Hand of Sauron stretches forth to reclaim it. In ages long past, the Witch-king gathered a dark army in Angmar. Once again he calls a vast horde from the depths of Carn Dûm to strike upon the lands of Middle-earth, and lay them to waste. Aragorn and I hoped that the rangers alone could hold back the Witch-king's advance, and that Angmar's strength had not yet grown too great. We were wrong."
— Gandalf the Grey

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     Man Intro 
You have been captured by Blackwold Brigands in the service of Angmar. However, a mysterious Ranger of the North named Strider appears to rescue you. He frees you from captivity and has you arm yourself. You fight your way through the Blackwold camp, defeating several of their number, until you come upon a hobbit-lass named Celadine Brandybuck. She sets fire to the camp, and you make your way to the entrance, where you find another ranger — Amdir — battling a Black Rider. The Nazgûl stabs Amdir with a Morgûl-blade, but the fire scares it away immediately after. With Strider's help, you, Celadine, and Amdir make your way to the hamlet of Archet.
     Hobbit Intro 
You're out for a stroll one fine night, but there is a strange oppression in the air. You encounter a bounder by the name of Boffin, then see Frodo, Sam, and Merry pass by on the road. Bounder Boffin urges you to arm yourself quickly. Once armed and tested, he has you follow him to a farm taken over by spiders. You fight the spiders off and carry through the shortcut, but run into two other hobbits, Celandine Brandybuck and Mundo Sackville-Baggins, fleeing in your direction. Brigands seeking "Baggins" appear on their heels, and they knock all four of you out. They take you to their hidden camp in Bree-land, but you are freed by Strider. You fight your way through the Blackwold camp and you make your way to the entrance, where you find another ranger — Amdir — battling a Black Rider. The Nazgul stabs Amdir with a Morgul-blade, but the fire scares it away immediately after. With Strider's help, you, Celandine, Mundo, and Amdir make your way to the hamlet of Archet.
     Dwarf Intro 
As Thorin Oakenshield and his company prepare to depart for the Shire, Thorin appoints a steward to govern in his absence — Gormr Doursmith. Gormr tells you to get back to work, and you arm yourself and enter the Silver Deep Mine. Upon entering the mine, tremors begin shaking the earth. Gormr runs away, saying he will get help, and Gimli has you test your worth in battle. You continue into the mine, urging the other miners to get out while they still can. However, one miner, Tvistur, is hard of hearing, and does not exit the mine. A troll smashes into the mine, kills Tvistur, then chases after Gimli. You make your way further down, until you encounter some subterranean elf-ruins. A corpse lies within the ruins — the corpse of a dwarf, perfectly-preserved, and with a strange rune on his chest.

Finally, you encounter Gimli and the troll again. Gimli prepares one last stand against the monster, but Gandalf summons a beam of sunlight, turning the troll to stone.
     Elf Intro 
600 years prior to the War of the Ring, Skorgrim Dourhand leads an assault upon the elf-refuge of Edhelion. Your master, Talagan, has sent for help from Elrond, who tells you to arm yourself for the battle ahead. After proving your mettle with Talagan, you exit your safehold, and find the town in flames. Several elves are trying to rally the defense, but a troll is battering down the gates. You make your way through the town, defeating several Dourhands, but just as you arrive back at the starting point, the troll breaks through.

However, all is not lost. Elrond kills the troll, and you hurry back to Talagan. It seems you are too late, for Skorgrím has cornered the elf, and threatens to take his treasures. Talagan sacrifices himself to keep the treasures out of the Dourhand's...hands, and kills Skorgrim in the process.
     Beorning Intro 
You are at your home in the Vales of Anduin toiling with your wanderlust-stricken brother Sterkist, when the unexpected arrival of Radagast the Brown piqued your interest. He enters a closed-door discussion with your sire, Grimbeorn. While Sterkist attempts to eavesdrop, you approach your cousin Varthmath to speculate on the reason for this meeting, to which Varthmath replies that it is not anyone's business but Radagast's and Grimbeorn. He sends you off to fetch a cow that has wandered out of the compound. The cow in question is frightened, but your calming reassurance eases her nerves and she returns. Meanwhile, another cousin, Ofolmóth, observes this and berates you: this should not be the way of one of the line of Beorn! Beornings should be fierce, unpredictable creatures! He tests your fighting skills, which are only adequate, and sends you out to clear out the sickleflies on the path. You meet your sister Langhár gazing at the Carrock and chat with her about Ofolmóth, traveling beyond the Carrock, and Radagast, when you are ambushed by goblins! You take out the goblins and Langhár sends you back to the compound to warn the others while she holds off the goblins. You arrive to warn Grimbeorn and Radagast, the latter of whom expected an attack such as this. He once more advises Grimbeorn not to remain isolated from the world, because the darker power will arrive at the doorstep regardless. He urges Grimbeorn to send all his children out to warn the Free peoples, but Grimbeorn elects only to send you out. After Sterkist briefly rages at being overlooked, he apologizes and all your relatives give you an item of clothing to wish you safe travels. You make you way to Archet soon after, arriving after the devastating attack.
     Archet Starter Zone 
You wake up in Archet after an exhausting night. Aragorn and Celandine are worried about Amdir, who is falling to the effects of the Morgul-blade. Aragorn is torn between helping Amdir and the people of Archet, but tells you to speak to Captain Brackenbrook, head of the settlement's defense. The captain does not trust the rangers, nor does he believe that the Blackwolds are planning to attack the town — the townsfolk only back up his belief (at least on the latter; some of them are less hostile to the rangers than he). The townsfolk help you train up your skills; once that's done, Aragorn sends you out to find athelas for Amdir's wound. Captain Brackenbrook puts you to use, and sends you to Calder Cob, who tells you to fight some wolves.

You find both wolves and athelas at a ruin outside the well as a strange banner. The banner is guarded by a Blackwold who attacks you. Upon killing him and finishing your other tasks, you return to Calder Cob, who is shocked to find you still alive. Turns out he was The Mole, and sent you on that quest to get you killed. You then return to Aragorn with the athelas, and tell him of what happened. He tells you to question a prisoner about his ties to Calder Cob. Upon investigating, you tell Captain Brackenbrook, who tells you to talk to Cal Sprigley, who owns a farm oustide of Archet.

Sprigley fought Blackwolds earlier that day, and wants you to go to Combe to ask for help. Upon reaching the Combe Gate, you find it blocked by a large group of bandits — too many for you to fight. You return to Sprigley, who gives you a letter addressed to Captain Brackenbrook. The captain is devastated by the implications, and failure of his leadership. He sends you to find his son, Jon, at the hunting lodge near the lake some distance from Archet. Jon, in turn, urges you to make a preemptive strike against the Blackwolds and steal information from them. Once that's done, you investigate a back road into Archet, but find it infested with spiders, meaning the Blackwolds will not attack that way.

Once all his tasks are complete, Jon and you head back to Archet just as the Blackwolds begin their attack. The town is in flames, and you find the streets filled with hostile brigands. The prisoner you spoke to earlier breaks out of jail and kills the jailer, however, you kill him immediately after. You then link up with a group of Archet's defenders, who help you clear the town of the hostiles. You make your way to the main square, whereupon Amdir is taken by Cargul in the service of Angmar. Calder Cob kills Captain Brackenbrook, only for you to kill Calder. Archet's people survive, but only with heavy losses. And Amdir is now in the hands of the enemy.
     Thorin's Gate Starter Zone 
You arrive at Thorin's Gate to find Elladan and Elrohir. They claim that their father has had strange dreams, which their companions point out led them to the area. You hone your skills in battle, and the elves have you investigate Edhelion for more clues to the source of Elrond's dream. There are strange red flowers blooming in the area. You make your way to the Silver Deep mine, and find that Skorgrim's body was removed from where it lay. Elladan has you search for more clues outside the mine. You quickly find more of the red flowers, and follow them to Skorgrim's tomb.

Gormr Doursmith stands watch over the tomb. You ask to enter, but he refuses, instead having you go to Skorgrim's shrine nearby. After investigating the shrine, you head to Frerin's Court to find Dwalin, who tells you that his dwarves have been falling ill. Dwalin sends you to find the source of the plague. The nearby area is occupied by sickly bears who seem to decay right upon death. Dwalin has you move up the mountainside, attempting to find the source. You find Elrohir at the entrance of the Mirkstone Tunnels. He tells you to enter and see what you find.

Inside, the caves are occupied by wights. You defeat several of them, whilst simultaneously gathering healing herbs. Further down in the tunnels, you find a mine where several fell-spirits have gathered. In the midst of the mine is a shrine overgrown with moss and possessed by an evil spirit. You drive the spirit off, then return to Elrohir. He sends you back to Dwalin, and you administer the herbs to the sick dwarves, who begin to heal immediately. Dwalin, Elladan, and Elrohir lead you to Skorgrim's Tomb. You find it filled with hostile Dourhands.

However, the real culprit is soon revealed. Ivar Bloodhand, an ancient evil creature in the service of Angmar, has been secretly conspiring with the Dourhands. He possesses Skorgrim's corpse with fell-spirits under his control, much to Gormr's dismay. Ivar and Skorgrim escape, and Gormr attacks you in his grief. Upon killing him, you fight your way out of the tomb as it collapses around you.
     Man/Hobbit/Beorning Prologue 
After the battle in Archet, Jon and the locals have men and beornings do a few more errands for them before sending you to Combe. Once there, you're directed to a ranger named Toradan, who tells you that Amdir is still on the loose. He tells you to speak to Constable Underhill, who sends you into Chetwood to search a Blackwold's pack. A letter in a backpack reveals that a local, Ellie Cutleaf, has had dealings with the ruffians. You speak to Cutleaf, who says that she helped the Blackwolds breed wolves for money, but has come to regret it. She has you kill the wolf-mother. Upon your return, Cutleaf has you mix a poison to kill the rest of the wolves, which you take to the brigands' headquarters and poison their food supply. Toradan then has you infiltrate the Blackwold's hideout, where they are keeping Amdir. You find Amdir there, but he escapes, killing Toradan in the process. A search begins for Amdir, and you travel to a cave in the Midgewater Marshes, hoping to find a ranger — Mundol — stationed there. Mundol is there, but on the verge of death. He tells you that Amdir mortally wounded him, and that you must seek out another ranger named Reniolind who keeps watch over the Marshwater Fort. Mundol dies immediately after.

Reniolind is at his hideout in the Marshwater Fort, and takes you through an underground passage. You fight your way through the vermin infesting the place, eventually coming upon Amdir. Reniolind tries to reason with Amdir, but the latter strikes the former down before running off again. With his dying breath, Reniolind urges you to find Strider at the Prancing Pony, prompting the beginning of the story proper.

Hobbits begin in the town of Little Delving, an area of Michel Delving, soon after the raid on Archet. Mundo has you deliver a letter demanding compensation for his kidnapping ordeal from Mayor Will Whitfoot, who is none-too-pleased at its contents. Whitfoot sends you to Lobelia — who, to the surprise of no one, is no help in solving the matter. She sends you to Wilcome Tunnelly with the purpose of dealing with goblins infesting the Shire.

Tunnelly says that the goblin-sightings are unfounded, but points you in the direction of his sister Pansy, who is spreading rumours about their appearance. Pansy has you search the Greenfields, and you discover a Pointy Rock, which you bring back to her. Wilcome shrugs it off, but Pansy claims it's a goblin's tooth, and has you take it to Bounder Primstone in Brockenborings. Primstone, like Wilcome Tunnelly, is unconvinced that it means first. He wishes to be absolutely certain, and sends you to the ranger Halros, who is encamped in Greenfields. Halros confirms that it is indeed a goblin tooth, and that he has already encountered goblins in the Shire. Halros has you find and infiltrate the goblin camps with the intent of thinning their numbers. After killing ten of them, you return to him, and he reveals that he has discovered that the goblins have a hierarchy: there is a chieftain leading the force, and the chieftain himself has a superior — a superior who is not a goblin himself.

Halros sends you back to Bounder Primstone, who is understandably alarmed at the news. Primstone in turn sends you back to Wilcome Tunnelly, saying that Tunnelly has found a skull in the nearby quarry. Tunnelly confirms that his workers did indeed find a skull, and that the mine is now infested with spiders. He sends you into the mine to retrieve the skull, and when you return, he notices that it is missing a tooth. Tunnelly has you travel back to Michel Delving to speak with Brombard Foxtail, Keeper of the Mathom-house. Foxtail says that Primstone had borrowed Bullroarer's Club only hours beforenote  with the intent of using it to educate several young hobbits on history. You return to Primstone, who reveals that he is going out to deal with the goblins himself, by wielding Bullroarer's Club. You quickly return to Halros, who mobilizes an offensive to go after the hobbit and kill the goblin's leader. You enter the leader's cave, rescue Primstone, and defeat the goblin leader, Lubach. Halros commends you for your bravery, but is troubled that the Angmarim, Eogan, was nowhere to be seen. He sends you to find Strider in the Prancing Pony, thus beginning the story proper.
     Dwarf/Elf Prologue 
Dwarves begin in Thorin's Gate. You are sent to Guard-captain Unnarr in Frerin's Court. Unnarr tells you that one of the local armouries has been left unguarded, and sends you to see if the guard assigned there is shirking his duty. Once there, you find the guard lying on the ground, barely conscious — he has been attacked from behind, and left to rot while the intruder robbed the post. Unnarr is understandably furious, and sends you to the Silver Deep, suspecting that goblins tunneled through. However, once in the Silver Deep, you find a Dourhand sword. Unnarr is even more outraged, since he hates Dourhands even more than goblins.

Unnarr sends you to find Dwalin in Thorin's Hall. Dwalin swears to find whoever stole the gold from the armoury, and sends you to find a dwarf named Nos Grimsong, who is in league with the thrushes. Once you find Nos, he is attacked by lynx, which you help drive off. When the lynx are dealt with, he gives you his notes and sends you Rothgar in Noglond. After reading the notes, Rothgar has you infiltrate a local goblin stronghold. There, you find that the Dourhands are conspiring with the goblins to attack the Longbeards. Once you deal with the conspirators, you race back to Noglond, and tell Rothgar that the Longbeards said something about kidnapping a prince. Rothgar sends you to Mathi in Gondamon with the news.

Elves begin in Falathlorn. You are sent to speak with one of the locals, an elf named Cardavor. He says that his son, Avorthal, was coming to visit, but it is some time past his expected arrival. Worried, Cardavor has you speak to a dwarf named Athal in nearby Nen Hilith. Athal has not seen Avorthal either, and has you search nearby for him. You do not find the elf, but you do find his satchel, and bring it to Athal. Athal sends you back to Cardavor, who looks at the bag with alarm. He concludes that Avorthal has been killed by goblins.

Cardavor sends you to Limael's Vinyard, which has been overrun by goblins. You slay several of them, including their leader, Pampraush, and return to Cardavor. You tell Cardavor that Pampraush claimed that Avorthal is still alive, in the hands of evil dwarves. Embittered, Cardavor is ready to declare war on Durin's Folk, and sends you to another elf by the name of Dorongur Whitehorn. Whitehorn is uncertain that the dwarves are responsible, and sends you to find an emissary he sent to Gondamon. The emissary, Gailthin, is alarmed by the news, and has you speak with a scout named Aglarchen, who has sneaked into a Dourhand encampment. When you find him, Aglarchen reveals that he saw Avorthal be taken by goblins, whom he followed to the camp he is currently in. After a Dourhand attack, he runs off, leaving you to make your way back to Gondamon alone. Once there, Gailthin throws a tantrum, thinking that the Longbeards are behind Avorthal's kidnapping. She angrily sends you to Mathi Stouthand, leader of Gondamon.

However, things are not what they seem. Mathi reveals that it was not the Longbeards, but the Dourhands who are responsible. This is where the elven and dwarven paths come together. Mathi sends you to Langlas, a ranger from the east, who agrees to be the one to rescue Avorthal. Langlas and you launch a raid on a nearby Dourhand encampment, only for the enemy leader to reveal that Avorthal has been taken to their stronghold in Kheledul, although you kill him immediately after he reveals this. Langlas sends you to Svanr, a Longbeard familiar with the area. Svanr reveals that there is a ship docked there with an elf aboard. At night, you sneak into Kheledul, killing many Dourhands and rescuing Avorthal.

Once Avorthal is freed, the tension between elves and dwarves are eased, and they officially form an alliance. Langlas has you speak to Ingolfr, a dwarf guarding the outskirts of Rath Teraig, a mountain stronhold of the goblins. The creatures are preparing an assault upon Ered Luin, and have pressed on despite the losses of their Dourhand allies. Ingolfr has you infiltrate Rath Teraig and kill several goblin warriors, which you do. You then return to Langlas, who tells you that the elves and dwarves are ready to retaliate. A massive assault is launched upon Rath Teraig, with elves and dwarves alike partaking in it. Many are killed, but you finally reach the top, where you find Cardavor lying prone, and Skorgrim Dourhand mocking you. He sics several goblins on you while he sneaks off. You kill the goblins, but Skorgrim has already escaped. Langlas sends you east to Bree to speak with Strider, leading into the story proper.
     Book 1 — Stirrings in the Darkness 
Help the rangers put an end to Amdir before Tom Bombadil sends you into the Barrow-downs to put an end to Angmar's plans there.
     Book 2 — The Red Maid 
Help the people of the Lone-lands as they deal with Saruman's orcs and Ivar Bloodhand's evil designs.
     Book 3 — The Council of the North 
Gather the elves, dwarves, and men of the North Downs as an army of orcs fortifies the ruins of Fornost.
     Book 4 — Chasing Shadows 
Eight Nazgul were accounted for after the flood of the Bruinen. Find the ninth.
     Book 5 — The Last Refuge 
The Nazgul has fled to the Misty Mountains. Put an end to his forces there before heading to Helegrod and thwarting his plans to resurrect a dragon.
     Book 6 — Fires in the North 
At last, it is time to move onto Angmar itself. Discover the secrets behind the fell-watching stones in Malenhad so that you do not fall to their eldritch power.
     Book 7 — The Hidden Hope 
Lorniel reveals that her father is held hostage in Carn Dum. Find a way to enter that city and rescue him.
     Book 8 — The Scourge of the North 
Gather Golodir's belongings so that he may bring the fight to Mordirith directly.
     Book 9 — The Shores of Evendim 
Sara Oakheart has you meet her in Barad Gularan, where she reveals that she is Amarthiel. Put an end to Mordirith's knights in the North Downs, Lone-lands, and your starting zone before heading to Evendim to meet the rangers there.
     Book 10 — The City of the Kings 
Assist the Rangers of the North as they struggle to keep Annuminas free of Angmar's taint.
     Book 11 — Prisoner of the Free Peoples 
After Amarthiel escapes Evendim with Laerdan as her prisoner, travel east through Eriador into the Trollshaws. A series of adventures leads you to Delossad, ancient prison of Narmeleth.
     Book 12 — The Ashen Wastes 
Laerdan and one half of the ring Narchuil are held in Carn Dum, awaiting Amarthiel's designs. Take both of them from her.
     Book 13 — Doom of the Last-king 
The remaining half of Narchuil is hidden in Forochel. Assist the Lossoth and the ghost of King Arvedui in an attempt to find it.
     Book 14 — The Ring-forges of Eregion 
Narchuil is in your possession, but Laerdan takes it and flees to Eregion in an attempt to restore Narmeleth. You try to stop Amarthiel's designs from advancing, but it is All for Nothing. You travel to Eregion to face her, but she is too powerful. However, Mordrambor and Mordirith reappear, and slice her hand off, taking the ring with them. Narmeleth is restored to sanity, but her father is dead.
     Book 15 — Daughter of Strife 
Narmeleth attempts to redeem herself for her past misdeeds. After proving she is sane again, she is released, and takes you back to Angmar to face Mordirith. She takes Golodir's sword, hoping that it will cause greater injury to him. You kill Mordrambor, but during the final battle with Mordirith, Amarthiel is stabbed. Just as all seems lost, she screams "NEVER!" and plunges the sword into Mordirith's heart. The wraith is defeated, but Narmeleth is mortally wounded. You return to Rivendell and find a parcel from you to Laerdan.
