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Recap / Ultraman Netflix

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This is a recap page for the Ultraman anime series from 2019. For a recap of the original 1966 toku series, click here.


  1. A Power That Shouldn't Be On Earth: It has been many years since the Giant of Light left Earth. Now, with a new threat emerging, the son of the original Ultraman's host, Shinjiro Hayata, will be thrust into battle.
  2. An Inescapable Fate: Shin Hayata is critically injured fighting the mysterious enemy Bemular. Thus, Shinjiro fight this assailant as the new Ultraman!
  3. Being Ultraman Isn't Bad: Bemular's appearance has served as a presage to a new spate of alien attacks on Earth. To combat this threat, the Science Patrol asks Shinjiro to formally join them and become the planet's protector.
  4. Release the Limiter!: Saving civilians from mundane crimes is a simple matter for Shinjiro. Contending with a powerful alien serial killer, however, will push him to his limits, and beyond.
  5. City of Aliens: Shinjiro accompanies Dan Moroboshi, a surly and ill-tempered fellow Ultraman, into an alien ghetto to investigate a series of mysterious murders.
  6. The Curse of Ultraman: While Shinjiro aspires to be a true hero as Ultraman, the need to take life to protect others weighs heavy on his soul, drawing Moroboshi's ire and his father's concern.
  7. Hidden Thoughts: As Shinjiro awakens to new powers as Ultraman, the reality of the risks his powers pose become increasingly apparent.
  8. The Beginning of Truth: A pop idol's concert is taken hostage by the enigmatic Adad, forcing Shinjiro to make tough choices and determine how far he will go to protect humanity.
  9. Nice to Meet You, Brother!: Shinjiro is troubled to learn that a classmate, Seiji Hokuto, knows that he is Ultraman. All the while, another Ultraman makes a surprise appearance!
  10. Star Council: Seiji reveals his goal to join the Science Patrol as Ultraman, so he can foster a world that can accept aliens...but is there more to his motivations than he's letting on?
  11. You As You Are: Seiji squares off against Shinjiro and Moroboshi over the gross misuse of his abilities. All the while, a friend of Shinjiro's asks him to give a personal message to Ultraman...
  12. Ace Killer: As a band of murderous mercenaries make their move, the truth behind Seiji, as well as a mysterious plane disaster from years ago, comes to light...
  13. A Real Ultraman: Shinjiro, Moroboshi, and Seiji find themselves in a losing battle against a squad of alien assassins. The Ultramen's resolves and strength will be put to the ultimate test.
