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Recap / 2point4 Children S2E5: The Skeleton in the Cupboard

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  • Date First Aired: )6/10/1992

Bill is not having a good day - first she ends up covered in rubbish. Then, she ends up having a strange presence follow her. Then, she and Ben swap roles with Jenny and David with all the misery that that implies.

Meanwhile, Rona and Gordon are beginning to get serious, but Gordon thinks Rona is still a virgin. Rona tries to hide it but is forced to reveal it when an old boyfriend shows up.

Whilst up in their room as punishment, Bill finds that she has been invited for an interview. The interview goes poorly - not just on Bill's side, but from the interviewer, who begins to act like a dog. Soon, the situation becomes hopeless - not only did the job not exist but Bill is laid off from her current job. Also, turns out that the strange presence was just Ben following her. However, Rona provides a different solution - self-catering for her and Gordon's wedding.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Auto Erotica: Rona once almost had sex with Gordon in a car, but it was unfortunately a Reliant, which fell over.
  • Being Watched: Bill begins to get the feeling that someone is watching them, not helped by the constant shifts to the P.O.V. Cam of an unknown party. The end of the episode reveals that it's just Ben watching her.
  • Cursed Item: David claims that the St. Christopher's Medal that Jenny decides to wear is cursed, especially since he found it at a graveyard. His claims appear to have some merit to them, considering how badly Bill's interview goes as she wears the medal, but the fact that it leads her to a better opportunity in self-catering suggests that it's a strange form of Good Luck Charm instead.
  • A Day in Her Apron: When Jenny complains to much about her role in the house, Bill makes her take on the role of the parent so that she can see what it's really like. Ben is quickly loaded with David's homework, whilst Bill and Ben are forced to their room when they refuse to do the chores like the children would have been forced to do.
  • Delusions of Doghood: Bill's interview becomes extremely bizarre when the interviewer begins acting a lot like a dog, having a doggie bed and food bowl, and barking like a dog. He's been like that ever since he was fired.
  • Exact Words: Bill tells David to "say goodbye, David", so David just mimics what Bill has just said.
  • Go to Your Room!: Both Bill and Ben are sent to their room as punishment - Bill for when she refuses to help out with the kitchen and Ben when he refuses to sort out David's bike.
  • Imagine the Audience Naked: Ben's advice for Bill in her job interview is to imagine the interviewer naked, which becomes a bit useless when the person turns out to actually be naked.
    Ben: You nervous?
    Bill: Yes.
    Ben: Don't be. Just imagine the interviewer naked. That way, he can't scare you.
  • Learned from the News: Bill only learns that she has lost her job when Rona puts the TV news on.
  • Losing a Shoe in the Struggle: Bill drops a shoe on the bus, a bit of a problem as she needs it for her job interview.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Bill's interviewer showing up naked, complete with Bill having to stop him from getting on to make tea.
  • P.O.V. Cam: From Ben as he stalks Bill throughout the episode.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: After the whole distressing experience of getting to the interview in the first place, Bill discovers that the job never even existed.
  • Surprisingly Happy Ending: The episode seems to be going for a Downer Ending, with Bill losing her job and the opportunity for another and Rona splitting up with Gordon. Then, Rona suggests going the self-catering route and reveals that she and Gordon are getting married.
  • Take Our Word for It: We never do find out how many people Rona slept with, since she chooses to write it down on a barmat which isn't clearly visible to the audience. All that is known is that it appears to be embarrassingly high. What Gordon writes in response is also unknown, only that it is a much lower number.
