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Recap / Treinta Y Un Minutos S 2 E 14

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"Mugre" ("Dirt") is the 14th episode of season 2 of 31 Minutos. Juanín arrives to the studio completely dirty, because of Wildo Waldo, a guy creates a cult dedicated to dirtiness and convinces everybody in the studio, but Tulio to form part of the cult.

"Mugre" contains examples of:

  • Armor-Piercing Question: The studio ask Wildo Waldo if exist something that is dirty, but despicable. He eventually answers that is money.
  • Blatant Lies: Wildo Waldo wants that Juanín and his group, give him the money so he can burn it. Tulio begs to not and give the money to him instead, when Juanín asks if he's going to burn it, Tulio answers yes, but Patana inmediately sees through him and give sthe money to Wildo Waldo, as well everybody but Tulio.
  • Credits Gag: Carlitos Lechuga is cut in half by the Aplaplac Logo, turned into a shuriken.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: God makes it's first appearance in this episode, although not physically, he simply calls out Juanín on his stinky breath.
  • Everybody Has Standards: Tulio and Guaripolo are the only ones who find the studio too dirty for them. Specially the latter.
    Guaripolo: ¡Soy Guaripolo, el personaje favorito de los niños de 31 Minutos! Y acabo de salir del baño, donde no hay ningún líder y a propósito, huele mucho mejor que acá.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Or "Half the Pig He Used to Be". In the credits gag from the end of the episode, Carlitos Lechuga is cut in half by the Aplaplac Logo turned into a shuriken.
  • Karma Houdini: Wildo Waldo doesn't receive a karma for scamming half of the world with his dirtiness cult.
  • Neat Freak: Downplayed. Tulio simply doesn't like to be dirty and can't stand that the studio is dirty.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite being the only one with a brain in this episode, Tulio is not above scamming his friends, something Patana calls him out for it.
  • No Ending: The episode ends with Tulio and his gang learning that Wildo Waldo is not in the bathroom burning the money as he told them and go to find him, they end discovering him taking a bath with the same models from before, while counting the money. Outside Chile, this was worsened, since this scene was censored, effectively making the episode end abruptly.
  • Only Sane Man: Tulio in this episode is the only one not following on the new religion of being dirty, although this is more because he dislikes being dirty.
  • The Pig-Pen:
    • Juanín becomes one in this episode, after hearing about Wildo Waldo's cult about the dirtiness. Later he ends convincing the rest of the studio, except Tulio.
    • Wildo Waldo, obviously, since he created the cult. Subverted, when at the end of the episode, it's revelated he's a conman.
  • Precision F-Strike: There's an scene where Tulio says "Bichos" ("Pests") to a bunch of mice that appeared at the end of "Los Minutos Deportivos". Despite "Bichos" is not a swear, the scene was censored outside Chile.
    Tulio: ¡Basta ya! ¡Saquen a esos bichos de acá!.
  • The Quisling: Bodoque joins Wildo Waldo's cult, because he wants to hang with a beautiful model like him. Bodoque was convinced to join, after seeing Wildo Waldo hanging with some beautiful models.
  • Sanity Ball: Tulio is the only one who doubts of Wildo Waldo in this episode.
  • Too Dumb to Live: The people across the planet, who follow Wildo Waldo's guidance and get rid of hygienic stuff across the planet, some of them include:
    • In France, the french covered the Eiffel Tower in toilet paper.
    • In New York, the people threw all shampoos and soaps to the river.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: God himself is disgusted at Juanín's breath.
    God: ¡Oh!¡Tira ese aliento para otro lado!
  • Trash of the Titans: The studio of 31 Minutos, thanks to Juanín and Wildo Waldo. Also the dumps from "La Nota Verde" and "Los Minutos Deportivos".
  • Top Ten List: The Ranking Top:
    • 3rd Place: Rin Raja — Juan Tástico
    • 2nd Place: Nunca Me He Sacado Un 7 — Michael Astudillo Jr.
    • 1st Place: Doggy Style — El Perro Duque
  • Unexpectedly Dark Episode: This episode started as Juanín being dirty, but the plot evolved in a cult dedicated to dirtiness, in which Wildo Waldo, the leader scams people to take their money.
  • Very Special Episode: This episode is about cults and how they manipulate people so they can have their money.
  • Wham Line: Guaripolo says that Wildo Waldo is not in the bathroom burning the money as he told them.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Patana chastses Tulio when he wants them to money give him the money instead to Wildo Waldo, claiming he'll burn it.
