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Recap / Transformers Prime S 1 E 16 Operation Breakdown

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After tracking a potential Energon signal, Bulkhead and Breakdown end up clashing hammers. Breakdown tries to break Bulkhead down with taunts about how he's going to find and kill Bulk's human friend. This makes Bulkhead lose his cool and he goes in for the kill, only for Breakdown to promptly beat him. Before he can kill him, though, a MECH helicopter shoots the Decepticon with a neutralizing ray that knocks him out. Bulkhead passes out from his injuries, leaving MECH with two unconscious, helpless Cybertronians. One of the agents tells Silas that they only have the resources to take one of them.

Silas: Take the victor.

Bulkhead wakes up (courtesy of Miko playing "Marco, Polo" over the coms) and requests a Ground Bridge. He gets back to base where (while Ratchet repairs him) he reports what happened, and that Breakdown was gone after he woke up.Fowler arrives, saying that the most likely culprits were MECH. The other Autobots seem fine with letting MECH kill Breakdown (as they all think he deserves it). Optimus Prime, on the other hand, believes that giving MECH Cybertronian technology in any way would be bad, and that they need to rescue Breakdown.

On the Nemesis, Starscream reports that Breakdown has been captured by humans. Megatron is not amused, and states that Breakdown is on his own (to Starscream's shock). Despite Lord Megatron's orders, Starscream starts scheming to get to Breakdown.

Meanwhile, Breakdown wakes up Strapped to an Operating Table. Silas introduces himself, admits that MECH's experiments will kill Breakdown, and thanks him for his services to their organization. Breakdown is having none of it and says he wants to kill them. Silas isn't fazed, reveals that they disabled Breakdown's pain receptors so he won't scream, then proceeds to remove Breakdown's right eye.

The other Autobots prepare to set out...except Bulkhead, despite Miko's encouragement. Optimus agrees to let Bulkhead remain at the base, saying that his hatred for Breakdown might jeopardize the mission. Prime, Bumblebee, Arcee, and Ratchet go to MECH's last known location. Despite seeing tracks in the dirt, Ratchet detects spilt Energon, and the four follow the signal.

Meanwhile, Bulk' and Fowler try to cheer up Miko with a "creature double-feature", but she refuses to perk up. Bulkhead finally asks her what's wrong, and she admits that unless Bulkhead helps Breakdown, then they'll never be able to fairly finish their fight and settle the score on their terms.

Miko: No rescue, no rematch.

The Autobots find that they've been tricked, as they find Breakdown's eye (now a camera) which sends them a message from Silas, who taunts them before triggering a bomb that nearly blows away the Autobots. Bulkhead arrives, follows the tracks the others ignored, and ends up in MECH's HQ. He saves Breakdown (to the confusion of the Decepticon) and they work together to escape MECH. Just when it seems that they're about to be overwhelmed, Starscream and a team of Vehicons show up and even the odds. Breakdown admits that Bulkhead saved his life. Starscream thanks Bulkhead...then orders Breakdown to kill him. Breakdown seems to disagree for a moment...then aims his weapon at Bulk. Just then, the Autobots arrive, chasing away the Decepticons.

Prime commends Bulkhead on laying aside his vendetta to help Breakdown...only for Bulkhead to start celebrating how he finally got one on Breakdown. Starscream tells Breakdown as they head home that Breakdown now owes him a favor, and more or less tells him that, in exchange for telling Megatron that he escaped on his own, Breakdown will side with 'Scream when he stages his coup against Megatron.


  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: Breakdown threatens to pay Bulkhead's "pet human" a visit after killing Bulkhead.
  • Arch-Enemy: Why Bulkhead initially refuses to rescue Breakdown, saying they have a nasty history and saw his foe do a lot of terrible things. Miko argues that this is actually the best reason to rescue Breakdown, saying he'll never get a rematch against his hated enemy otherwise.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: When Bulkhead continues to insist that he's not rescuing Breakdown.
    Miko: You don't need to bromance him, Bulk. You just need to beat him!
    Bulkhead: Uh, what?
    Miko: No rescue, no rematch.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Bulkhead and Breakdown.
  • Break the Haughty: Despite being one of the Decepticons' best officers (and happy to admit it), Breakdown is effortlessly captured by MECH, strapped down, loses his eye, and was left completely unable to escape on his own. If not for Bulkhead coming for him, he likely would have died. In later episodes, he's noticeably a little more serious than before (and any jokes made about his missing eye are not taken lightly).
  • Brick Joke: When Bulkhead is waking up after his fight with Breakdown, Miko wakes him up over the coms via playing (and explaining) the game "Marco Polo". When he breaks into MECH's HQ, Bulkhead breaks down the door while yelling "MARCO!"
  • Brutal Honesty: One reason Optimus gives for letting Bulkhead stay at the base is the simple fact that a bitter rival being forced to rescue an Arch-Enemy risks making the mission more dangerous than it's already going to be.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Bulkhead breaking into the MECH base isn't slowed down in the slightest, and he and Breakdown together are easily able to handle MECH's forces waiting for them outside.
  • Death Glare: Megatron gives one to Starscream when the Seeker tries to protest that Breakdown should be rescued due to being a key player to the Decepticon cause.
  • Didn't See That Coming:
    • Silas admits he was expecting Megatron to come calling rather than Optimus.
    • Breakdown over Autobots coming to his rescue, especially his Arch-Enemy. Bulkhead says he doesn't get it, either.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The ghost town in Russia sure looks like Pripyat but further east and due to a volcano.
    • Although this is a typical look for any Eastern Bloc city.
  • Enemy Mine:
    • Optimus claims that Autobots and Decepticons share a common enemy in MECH.
    • Bulkhead and Breakdown work together to fight their way out of the MECH base.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Starscream is clearly shocked by Megatron's willingness to leave Breakdown to his fate. And, later, when Bulkhead risks his life to save Breakdown, Breakdown looks hesitant to follow Starscream's order to attack the Autobot.
  • Everyone Has Standards: All but Optimus are happy to leave the Decepticon Breakdown to MECH. Optimus doesn't care if Breakdown will join them or not, as long as his technology doesn't fall into MECH's hands. Miko convinces Bulkhead to join the rescue only because Bulkhead should be allowed to fight the Decepticon again.
  • Expy: Dino-Lizard vs. Five-Headed Ape is one, of classics such as Godzilla vs. King Kong. And Godzilla's trademark roar does play during the movie.
  • Eye Scream: Silas removes one of Breakdown's eyes, and converts it into a camera. Breakdown never gets the eye back, either.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Silas is this the entire episode, speaking politely to Breakdown and thanking him for his contributions to MECH's work while his henchmen rip Breakdown apart.
  • Feels No Pain: Played for Horror. Silas orders Breakdown's pain receptors to be disabled so he won't have to hear him scream, but this provides no comfort to the still conscious Decepticon when he has to watch himself get dissected alive.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: A two-for-one example for how the incoming bogies MECH picks up on the radar aren't the Autobots:
    • The radar only shows five dots, who only number four at the moment without Bulkhead.
    • Additionally, the dots are in a clear V formation, something only the flight capable Decepticons could pull off.
  • Flat "What":
    • Ratchet's response when Optimus reveals his intent to rescue Breakdown.
    • Bulkhead has this response when Optimus won't force him to join the rescue mission. He does it again when Miko says he has to rescue Breakdown now in order to beat him during a rematch.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: For a moment after Starscream shows up, it looks like Breakdown will refuse to hurt Bulkhead (he even seems shocked that Starscream would have him kill someone who saved his life), but ultimately he chooses to follow orders. Thanks to Airachnid in the next season, we never learn if he would have gotten a redemption arc.
  • Hidden Depths: When Bulkhead suggests that he and Miko (who's clearly upset at Bulkhead staying back from a mission) watch a creature double-feature, Agent Fowler reveals that he's a fan of monster movies.
  • Idiot Ball: All Autobots except Bulkhead. See Schmuck Bait.
  • I'm Not Afraid of You: Ratchet says this to Silas.
  • I Take Offense to That Last One: Silas does not enjoy being called "Common" by Optimus.
  • I Was Never Here: Starscream makes sure Breakdown knows to...selectively edit his post-mission report.
    Starscream: Incidentally, I suggest that Megatron never know of this...rescue. You do want him to think you overcame the puny humans on your own, don't you?
  • Kidnapped for Experimentation: The signal that both Bulkhead and Breakdown were following was set up by MECH to lure a Cybertronian into a trap so they could capture and dissect them (Silas picked Breakdown as their "patient", leaving Bulkhead because they lacked the means to transport two Cybertronians and Silas decided he wants the stronger of the two and saw for himself that Breakdown won the fight).
  • Mood Whiplash: Optimus congratulates Bulkhead for displaying the maturity to rescue an enemy. Bulkhead then excitedly talks about winning the rematch by using Breakdown's own hammer against him.
  • No Honor Among Thieves: Megatron for refusing to authorize a rescue party for Breakdown, though Starscream does so anyway behind his back so Breakdown will owe him.
  • Not So Above It All: When Bulkhead proposes a creature double feature to keep Miko happy, Fowler says he's in.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Miko uses this as the reason why Bulkhead should rescue Breakdown; if Breakdown dies, then he and Bulkhead can never have a rematch.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Silas decided to disable Breakdown's pain receptors so he wouldn't scream. A small mercy, though, seeing as how he had to watch them pull his body apart. Also, MECH's saving Bulkhead's life was purely coincidental, and it's likely that they would have kidnapped both Cybertronians if they could've.
  • Pun:
    Silas: We're going to take you apart. Break you down, if you will.
  • Refuse to Rescue the Disliked:
    • Bulkhead refuses to help Optimus rescue Breakdown from human terrorists. Optimus understands his judgment and has him stay at home base. It takes Miko pointing out that he will never get a rematch with Breakdown if he dies for Bulkhead to change his mind.
    • Megatron feels Breakdown hasn't accomplished anything for the Decepticon cause, and decides Breakdown should be left to whatever fate his human captors have for him.
  • Save the Villain: Optimus insists they do this, to the surprise of the team, as MECH is too dangerous to let them get their hands on Cybertronian tech. Bulkhead initially refuses, but ends up being the one to rescue Breakdown.
  • Schmuck Bait: An Enegron's trail that leads to Breakdown's eye that laying on some sort of pedestal right in the middle of the ghost city!? Trail is a little careless for a Crazy-Prepared terrorist group and all other is obviously a trap, don't you think?! It actually was a trap for Megatron but Optimus and his team fell for it instead.
  • Strapped to an Operating Table: Poor Breakdown.
  • Take My Hand!
    Breakdown: Wh...what are you doing?
    Bulkhead: Getting you outta here. Yeah, I don't believe it either.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Miko insists Bulkhead go rescue Breakdown because he should be the one to fight him again.
  • Three-Point Landing: Starscream and the Vehicons do a synchronized one.
  • They Would Cut You Up: What MECH does to Breakdown. Being Cybertronian, he can survive being partially dissected (although it clearly wasn't a pleasant experience), but its said out loud that he wouldn't have lasted much longer if Bulkhead hadn't shown up.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Slightly averted at first, as Breakdown clearly doesn't like the idea of have to fight Bulkhead right after he saved him, only going through with it at Starscream's demands. Played straight in future episodes though, where Breakdown goes back to attacking Bulkhead.
  • Villainous Rescue: MECH for neutralizing Breakdown before he got the chance to finish Bulkhead at the beginning.
  • We Meet Again: With the two-way camera, Silas greets Optimus by saying he's "set eyes" on him once again.
  • Won't Take "Yes" for an Answer: Played for Drama. When Bulkhead said that he's not going to save Breakdown whatever Optimus say, Optimus actually agreed with him. Bulkhead and Miko were shocked (and in Bulkhead's case, a little sorrow and angry).
  • You Have Failed Me: Megatron feels that Breakdown getting bested and captured by humans is proof of his uselessness, so he leaves him to fend for himself.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Breakdown pleads to Starscream to reconsider forcing the former to attack Bulkhead since he was the one who freed Breakdown from MECH. Starscream dismisses Bulkhead is of any more use.
  • You Owe Me: Starscream to Breakdown.
