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Recap / Tower Of God Tournament

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The 35th story arc of the Tower of God series consisting of chapters 81 - 84 from the second season. The arc centers around the start of the Workshop Battle's 2nd Round; the first stage of the Growth Tournament, and the Team FUG vs. Team Mad Dog match. The Growth Tournament begins for the eight teams that had their Team Leaders fail the gambler all-in bet of the 1st Round. As for the two winning 1st Round gamblers, FUG and Mad Dog, the two teams face off against one another, but Viole learns of an opportunity to try to break away from FUG by stealing away a Thorn weapon the terrorist organization is trying to obtain.

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30F - Workshop Battle: The Tournament

    Season 2: Ch. 81 (Chapter 160) 

The eight Vanguards that have been chosen by the loser gamblers are ready to take part in the 2nd Round's Growth Tournament for the Workshop Battle. Wangnan was chosen as the Vanguard for Team Khun while Shibisu picked Vespa as the Vanguard for Team Shibisu. Io and Punk then explain the rules of the Workshop Battle's 2nd Round:

  • 1) The northern half of the island arena will be the location that the FUG vs. Mad Dog match takes place (they will have their whole teams already available). The southern half of the island is the location of the Growth Tournament for the eight other teams that will have to build up their teams starting with a Vanguard.
  • 2) The eight Growth Tournament Vanguards are split into two free-for-all blocks, A and B. The last remaining Vanguard in both blocks will have a Team A vs. Team B match to decide who gets to go on to face the winner of FUG vs. Mad Dog.
  • 3) Starting with 100,000 points each, Vanguards will fight one another in the Battlefield zone of the Growth Tournament to gain points, and purchase additional teammates at an island Calling Center, as well as purchase necessary items at an island Item Store.
  • 4) Teams that do not participate in the Growth Tournament's Battlefield within 30 minutes will automatically fail.
  • 5) The winner of the Growth Tournament will fight against the winner of the FUG vs. Mad Dog match to win the Workshop Battle.

At this point, the 2nd Round Growth Tournament starts. Wangnan and Khun (speaking through his Lighthouse) discuss what to do first, which Khun notes that the Growth Tournament is basically a survival game where teams fight one another, and also points out the oddity that even though you're only allowed one Vanguard, they're somehow going up against a team that's starting with two (Tebo & Lebo). They then decide to avoid the log-bridge short-cut to the Battlefield area by going a long route by the island's eastern coast. Going this way will allow Wangnan to pass by the eastern Calling Center to purchase their first teammate on the way to the Battlefield. Meanwhile, gambler Bellux's Vanguard, Bundawan, arrives at the log-bridge, and easily defeats an opposing gray-haired swordsman Vanguard before moving on to their next opponent.

On Team Shibisu's side, Vespa walks toward the Battlefield, which she hears Shibisu over the Lighthouse complaining about the current situation. He thinks back to how Anaak and Endorsi are acting weird about Viole, and feels that he's the only one left that doesn't truly understand the situation. Shibisu figures that it will remain a mystery unless he can see Viole again, and puts his mind back to the tournament at hand. Meanwhile, Beta washes ashore on the island of the Workshop Battle's second round. Nobic and Viole also begin to get moving to put their plan in action as the FUG and Mad Dog teams prepare for their fight.

    Season 2: Ch. 82 (Chapter 161) 

Team Mad Dog sets out behind Baragav as Viole and Reflejo discuss how they will fight him. Reflejo states that they should attack Mad Dog together once his teammates are defeated, but Viole decides that it would be best for him to go against Baragav alone to end the fight quicker. At this point, Io and Punk explain how the duel between the FUG and Mad Dog teams will work at their Battle Temple Shrine arena:

1) Team FUG must protect two capture points while trying to acquire a key in Mad Dog's possession to open a door at the Battle Temple Shrine. Team FUG will win if they manage to get the door open.

2) Team Mad Dog must protect the key that will open a door at the Battle Temple Shrine. The team can also go on the offensive to take the two capture points that the FUG Team must defend. Doing either of these will give the Mad Dog Team the victory.

Back to Team Khun, Wangnan reaches the location of the east Calling Center, and has officially entered the Battlefield at this point. Wangnan meets the robot helper, R-7, which explains how the summoning at the Pond of Calling works where the Vanguard calls upon the name of the person they want summoned. Khun decides that the person to summon will be Quaetro Blitz, but he also notices on the summon list that Viole has a point price of 1,000,000. Wangnan's shocked by the Quaetro choice given how crazy the latter is, but Khun assures him that it's necessary since Quaetro is powerful, and that bringing him into the fold was the only way to convince Blarode to join their team.

At this point, Wangnan is greeted by gambler Hyun Chung's Vanguard, Tebo & Lebo, within the east Calling Center. Chung explains that he caught on to Khun's team planning to perform an early summon due to picking Wangnan as their Vanguard despite his cheap point price. Wangnan calls for Quaetro, but realizes that there's a five minute waiting period to load Quaetro into the game. Standing against Tebo & Lebo, Wangnan deduces that he has to fight them until Quaetro's summon is finished.

During the Team FUG vs. Team Mad Dog fight, Horyang catches on that something feels off due to Team Mad Dog not coming at them full power as if they're just stalling for time. Meanwhile, Viole makes his way to a hidden door within the Battle Temple Shrine arena prepared to steal away FUG's hidden Thorn. The Slayer-Candidate thinks back to how Beta told him that FUG set up three other gambler teams, and even Rankers, under their control aboard the Archimedes to keep Viole trapped in the Workshop Battle. Beta had also handed Viole over a key to open the door where the Thorn's been stashed as Viole soon arrives at said door in the arena. At a different location, Nobic comes across Reflejo trying to sneak away from the current battles. Seeing Nobic blocking his way, Reflejo states his theory that Viole and Nobic must have joined up with Team Mad Dog.

    Season 2: Ch. 83 (Chapter 162) 

Before the start of the Growth Tournament, Anaak meets with Ron Mei, and asks for the latter to speak to Nobic or Ran about the possibility of Team Mad Dog not needing to fight with Viole. Ron does just that, and finds Nobic to pass along Anaak's statement. She offers Nobic a team-up between Mad Dog and Viole if what Anaak said was true. Back to the Team FUG vs. Team Mad Dog match, Nobic begins to duel Reflejo, and taunts the masked Regular that Viole is now set to break away from FUG with the Thorn at hand due to the alliance with Team Mad Dog. However, Reflejo begins to get serious, and calls out Nobic for being an idiot not knowing what the Thorn is capable of.

Returning to the Growth Tourmament, Wangnan squares off against Hyun Chung's Vanguard, Tebo & Lebo. He runs around the Control Center room stalling for time by dodging blasts of shinsu fired at him from the Tebo & Lebo duo until Quaetro's summon can finish. During the stalling, Khun realizes that Tebo & Lebo are a member of the "Half & Half" tribe where one being splits into two in order to make a clone that helps with survival. Thus, one of the Tebo & Lebo combo is a fake that reacts slower than the other half, which Wangnan uses to his advantage to mess up the combo attacks of Tebo & Lebo. As a result, Wangnan manages to defeat Chung's Vanguard to acquire 500,000 points for Team Khun, and said team is announced to have made it to the Growth Tournament's final four.

Along with Quaetro's summon, Wangnan uses the new points to summon in Rak, Ehwa and Akraptor for a total of five teammates now in the Growth Tournament for Team Khun. They then remain on standby for the next round of said tournament since Wangnan already defeated their opposing Vanguard, Tebo & Lebo. Rak asks about Bam's situation, but is informed that they won't know until the result of the Team FUG vs. Team Mad Dog match is given. In an underground room of the island, Viole approaches a giant object covered in bandages. Beta arrives to greet him, and explains that it's the Thorn known as the weapon that will kill the Tower King.

    Season 2: Ch. 84 (Chapter 163) 

Beta goes over the Thorn's backstory to Viole of how it's a leftover Ignition Weapon of a past fight where the Irregular, Enryu, used it to do the impossible by killing a Tower Guardian. FUG would then get their hands on the Thorn that was left behind at the Enryu vs. Guardian battlefield in the hopes of turning it into a weapon to use against King Jahad. That the Thorn was sent off to researchers within Workshop to perform the Living Ignition Weapon experiments in the hopes of one day reigniting the Thorn again by combining it with a human.

Meanwhile at Nobic and Reflejo, members of Team Mad Dog led by Ron Mei arrive. However, Reflejo reveals that Team Mad Dog's been a part of FUG this entire time helping FUG keep control over Viole, which Ron Mei and her teammates stand ready to fight Nobic. Back in the Thorn room, Beta continues the explanation that the Living Ignition Weapon experiments were eventually a success due to Horyang and Cassano's survival. Thus, they finally arrived at the stage to combine Viole with the Thorn. However, some of the FUG higher ups refused to give the Thorn to Viole willingly at risk of the new Slayer-Candidate betraying them. The end result was instead the decision to kill Viole, and implement the Slayer-Candidate's spirit into the Thorn to be used as a weapon for FUG. It's at this point that Beta powers up and attacks Viole.

Returning to Nobic and Reflego's location, Ron Mei gloats about her scheme's success to trick Viole into thinking that they've teamed up, and orders her teammates to attack Nobic. However, Horyang arrives to save Nobic by killing a few of the Team Mad Dog members, which provides an opening for him and Nobic to escape from Reflejo and Ron. Horyang and Nobic continue to run away in order to get word to Viole that they're the ones who've been set up where Reflejo has been the one in league with Team Mad Dog this whole time. Along the way, they're suddenly greeted by their teammate, Yuto, who asks for the two of them to follow her.

Returning to the Thorn room, Beta's surprise attack quickly immobilizes Viole. Beta tells the Slayer-Candidate that he will be sure to make him feel despair since the roots of all his pain and suffering in Workshop's experiments have been to further the research of combining the Thorn with Viole. Claiming that he will kill Viole's friends as well, Beta throws the Slayer-Candidate into the dark abyss of the Throne room, and asks for Viole to forever live in despair. At this point, Khun and company spot the oddity in the sky that the Archimedes has started to move. In addition, the results of the Team FUG vs. Team Mad Dog fight is provided to the Regulars in the Growth Tournament by Io and Punk, which they announce that Team Mad Dog has surrendered. However, Khun remains shocked and confused to hear that Viole, and three others, have disappeared from Team FUG, and that those that remain on the Mad Dog team, such as Ron Mei and Baragav, have joined up with Team FUG.

Long Summary

    2nd Round - Growth Tournament Begins
Vanguard Wangnan's first 2nd Round opponent, the Vanguard Tebo & Lebo

The Growth Tournament for the Workshop Battle's 2nd Round is set to begin on the 30th Floor island arena. With eight failure gamblers, four starting locations have been established to start the tournament with two Vanguards each. At one location, the Khun team's chosen Vanguard, Wangnan, stands ready opposite Tebo & Lebo, the chosen Vanguards of another team. The other six failure gambler Team Leaders have also chosen their Vanguards, such as Shibisu choosing Vespa as his team's starting Vanguard.

Io and Punk apologize for keeping the audience waiting, and state that it's now time to find out who the winner of the Workshop Battle will be. They begin by explaining the Growth Tournament rules of the 2nd Round's team matches. The hosts show a giant monitor to the viewers, which shows a top-down view of the 30th Floor island arena.

Regarding the island arena, Io and Punk explain that the northern half of the island will be the battlefield for the FUG vs. Mad Dog match while the southern half of the island will be the location of the Growth Tournament for the other eight teams. The winner of the FUG vs. Mad Dog match will then go up against the team that wins the Growth Tournament. The winning team of this final match will then be declared the overall winner of the Workshop Battle, and be handed the grand prize (Jue Viole Grace). Regarding the Growth Tournament, Io and Punk begin to explain how it will work. Each team will start with a Vanguard that will go go out into the island arena to collect points by completing certain tasks. These points can then be used to do two things.
Io and Punk explain how the Workshop Battle's 2nd Round will unfold

First, on the island arena are two structures on the east and west beaches of the island called the Calling Center where the Vanguard can purchase new teammates to enter the battle. Second, there's also an item store located in the middle of the island's Growth Tournament arena where points can be used to purchase items. The hosts also add that the purpose of the Growth Tournament is having an adventure to defeat the opposing teams while developing your own.

Continuing the Growth Tournament explanation, Io and Punk point out that the Vanguards will start off at a location known as the non-battle area near the edge of the island. The Vanguards will then move inward to fight at a location known as the Battlefield. Once the Vanguards, and any hired teammates, reach the Battlefield, the fighters can do whatever they want within it. The goal is to make enemy teams give up, or make them disabled, by any means necessary in order for the winning team to move on to the next round of the Growth Tournament.

Amongst the eight Growth Tournament teams, they have been split between the A-side and B-side in order to have a final Growth Tournament match between Team-A and Team-B. Wangnan's match for Team Khun is seen on the A-side while Vespa's match for Team Shibisu is seen on the B-side. Io and Punk explain that while the four Vanguards between and A and B teams are technically on the same side, it's a free-for-all between the four of them. They also must defeat an opposing Vanguard from said side to move on. In Wangnan's case, they must defeat the Tebo & Lebo combo to get to the next round of the Growth Tournament.
The eight Growth Tournament Vanguards

However, the hosts warn that a Vanguard has to be defeated from the opposing side in order to move on to the next stage of the Growth Tournament. Any other detail regarding the Growth Tournament has been provided to the eight gambler Team Leaders. Io and Punk also state that teams will automatically fail if they don't enter the Battlefield area within 30 minutes. While this is all going on, the match between FUG and Mad Dog on the other end of the island will be taking place. Viole is seen viewing the island from a high location with the rest of the FUG Team prepared to enter the arena. With all the rules explained at this point, Io and Punk announce for the 2nd Round of the Workshop Battle to begin.

Some time later, Wangnan is seen walking alone through a forest of the island arena while Khun's lighthouse follows his team's Vanguard close behind to provide Wangnan advice. Wangnan looks around, and finds it amazing how the island turned out to be bigger than he originally thought. He questions if the island arena is artificial, which Khun answers that it's possible given that the researchers at Workshop are people who do crazy stuff.
Khun explains to Wangnan how the A and B blocks are a free-for-all survival game

Wangnan pulls out a knife to chop away some of the plants blocking his way as Khun adds that he's also heard rumors of an entire territory in the Tower that had been artificially created. Hearing Khun's claim, Wangnan admits that people with that kind of talent are always the crazy ones. Wangnan points out how the Growth Tournament is such a strange name for this competition, which Khun somewhat agrees with since this comes off as more of a survival game than a tournament. Khun explains the oddness of the rule that within their side-A group, it's technically a free-for-all. Theoritically, Team Khun could end up in a position as bad as having all three opposing side-A teams ganging up on them before they can defeat an opposing team from side-B to move on.

Khun and Wangnan then discuss the current problem they have. That there's only supposed to be one Vanguard for them to defeat, and yet here they are up against two from the same team, Tebo & Lebo. They guess that one could be acting as a fake, but there's no way to tell for sure until they fight them at the Battlefield. Wangnan reminds Khun that he's only got 30 minutes to reach said Battlefield, which Khun brings up that they should avoid the quick log-bridge path since it would be too easy to come across opposing Vanguards there, and catch sight of Wangnan.

Wangnan asks about an alternative route, to which Khun answers that there's another path to the Battlefield along the eastern beach. The journey will take longer, but it will also allow Wangnan to pass by the eastern Calling Center to purchase their first teammate since making the cheap Wangnan the Vanguard gave Team Khun enough points to perform an early summon.
Khun and Wangnan decide to go for the east Calling Center to summon teammates

Wangnan asks about who Khun has decided to call, but Khun states that it's a secret, which irritates Wangnan knowing that Khun looks to pull this kind of stuff. Going along with Khun's plan, Wangnan begins to make his way to the island's eastern beach.

At the mentioned log-bridge that would have made for the shortest path to the Battlefield, the Vanguard of gambler Bellux, Bundawan, arrives at the bridge. From the audience, Bellux is seen given off a chuckle that making Bundawan his Vanguard has already won them the Growth Tournament. However, Bellux is left shocked to see the gray-haired swordsman Regular that's been chosen to be Bundawan's side-A Vanguard opponent waiting for them on the bridge. Bellux deduces that the gray-haired swordsman chose to wait for their arrival, but finds it crazy that they believe they can take on Bundawan in a one-on-one duel.

On the bridge, the gray-haired swordsman prepares his sword for a fight against Bundawan. Holding up his giant mace, Bundawan prepares to fight as Bellux orders his Vanguard to kill the opposing gray-haired Vanguard. Bellux explains to the opposition that Bundawan is a famous criminal that had his head cut off for skinning thousands of people outside the Tower. Yet he somehow survived, and made it into the inner Tower to begin climbing as an incredibly dangerous Regular known as Hell's Scrubber. Bellux claims that he was lucky that he managed to make Bundawan a member of his team.
Bellux's Vanguard, Bundawan, easily defeats their opposing Vanguard

Because of Bundawan's strength, the cost to make him the starting Vanguard was all 100,000 points. His expensive price made him the highest amongst the Regulars that could be summoned from the very beginning to fight against weaker competition. Bundawan charges at the gray-haired swordsman, and attempts to land a punch, which the swordsman deflects. However, Bundawan's strength breaks the sword as Bellux orders his Vanguard to finish it.

Bundawan then goes for an uppercut with his giant mace, which smashes into the left side of the gray-haired swordsman's face. The swordsman then falls to the floor of the bridge with blood pouring out of his mouth. Bellux laughs at how lame that fight was as he watches Bundawan kick the defeated gray-haired swordsman off the bridge.

Watching their opposing Vanguard fall into the water, Bellux gives off a laugh that they're already in a position to make it to the next round of the Growth Tournament. He states to Bundawan to spend all this time they have remaining by having a bit more fun on the island against the other teams.

On side-B of the Growth Tournament, Shibisu complains to himself that it should have been them over Ron Mei's Mad Dog team that got to fight against the FUG Team at the northern part of the island. Instead, he's stuck having to get to them the long way through the Growth Tournament. Vespa reassures him that she will win the Growth Tournament as soon as possible so that she can get revenge on Viole for taking her honey away, but Shibisu answers that he doesn't want to have part in a revenge such as that. Shibisu also uses this time to think back to something Anaak told him that's been bugging him since the start of the 2nd Round.
Shibisu noticing how his teammates have been acting weird recently

Before the start of the 2nd Round, Anaak meets with Shibisu to inform him that there's something odd about Viole since the FUG Slayer comes off as someone that knew them from the very beginning, which shocks Shibisu. He asks Anaak to tell him how she knows this, but Anaak states that even she doesn't know, and just has a strange feeling that Viole seems to know them all.

Anaak then begins to leave, but orders Shibisu to look into hit himself as Shibisu calls out to her begging to know what's going on. At a later time Shibisu also noticed that Endorsi has been acting weird ever since she disappeared at the party, but refused to talk to her since annoying her could have resulted in his death.

Beginning to become depressed, Shibisu complains that he seems to be the only one that doesn't seem to know anything, and makes him feel like the alienated member of the family. However, he snaps himself out of it since he knows that it will all be made clear if he gets to meet Viole again. He states to Vespa that they will clear the Growth Tournament to fight Viole again, which she gladly agrees with. Meanwhile, some time after jumping off the Archimedes, Beta washes up on the shoreline of the Workshop Battle's island arena. He then becomes conscious, and starts to move.

    2nd Round - Team FUG vs. Team Mad Dog Begins
Viole and Nobic prepare to put their plan into action to break away from FUG

On the northern end of the island arena, Team FUG are on standby at a temple they've made as their hideout. Nobic, who's on lookout duty, states to Viole that the Growth Tournament has already started on the southern end. He informs the FUG Slayer that it's about time to get going, which Viole agrees with. For Team Mad Dog, Ron Mei calls out to Baragav within his temple room that it's time for them to get moving. Baragav then slowly walks out of the temple, and rejoins his teammates for the upcoming battle against FUG.

Ron Mei and Viviolga stand outside the temple waiting for Baragav. The former of which points out how the Mad Dog appears to be in a good mood. Baragav asks about the location of wave controller Pandit and spear-bearer Grobin, which Ron answers that they're already in position watching the FUG Temple, and appear to be quite serious for the upcoming battle. Walking down the temple stairs, Baragav states that they should get moving as the rest of the team follows after him.

Meanwhile, Team FUG does the same walking down their temple stairs for the upcoming fight with Team Mad Dog. Sia apologizes to Reflejo about drinking too much last night, but the masked Regular asks her to just focus on the game as her number one priority, which stalls Sia since she feels like Reflejo is acting weird currently. Viole is the next to speak asking Reflejo to tell him more about Baragav. Reflejo answers that in addition to what he said earlier about Baragav being one of Baylord Yama's three Mad Dogs, he's a special Regular that was born through blood mixing.
Viole states to Reflejo that he will take on the Mad Dog, Baragav, himself

Blood mixing is a process where two strong bloods are injected into a single person. Reflejo warns Viole that the Mad Dogs being born through blood mixing are on a much different level compared to normal Regulars, and are extremely powerful. Viole asks if the blood mixing power was what was displayed during Baragav's plug game in the 1st Round, which Reflejo answers to be the case.

Reflejo adds that given Baragav's overwhelming strength, they should fight the Mad Dog altogether after defeating all his teammates first, but Viole answers that that won't be necessary, which surprises Reflejo. The FUG Slayer explains that it's better to have less sacrifice here, and states that the best way to end this is to catch the Mad Dod as fast as they can. Viole explains that Team FUG will block the efforts of Mad Dog's teammates while he goes after Baragav himself.

As the FUG and Mad Dog teams continue towards one another, Io and Punk begin to explain how their match will work. In the center of the island is a location known as the Battle Temple Shrine that will have a locked door that leads to the winning prize of the match. Mad Dog will act as the defenders to protect the key that opens the door. If Team FUG manages to get the key to open the door, they will win. However, if Team Mad Dog manages to keep the key through the battle, they will win. The hosts also add that there are two invading points in the Battle Temple Shrine arena that Team FUG must protect. If Team Mad Dog manages to take over these two invading points from FUG, then the Mad Dog team will be named the winners. Io and Punk then count down from five to begin the match as the Regulars of the FUG and Mad Dog teams prepare to face one another.

    The East Calling Center
East Calling Center's robot, R-7, leads Wangnan to the Pond of Calling

On the eastern beach of the Growth Tournament, Wangnan gives off a sigh of relief having made it to the east Calling Center unnoticed within 30 minutes. Khun warns Wangnan that the Battlefield starts here, and has now put Wangnan at risk of getting attacked. As Wangnan slowly enters the Calling Center, he accepts Khun's warning, and states that he will do the teammate summon as quick as he can. Looking around the Calling Center, Wangnan is surprised to see how dark the room is. His and Khun's attention are then brought to a small robot welcoming Wangnan to the Calling Center that's been established for teammate summon. The robot introduces itself as R-7, and that it will act as Wangnan's guide to help him perform a summon.

R-7 asks for Wangnan to follow it, which Wangnan does so followed by Khun's lighthouse. They reach a small area of water, which surprises Wangnan to see that it's just a water pond known as the Pond of Calling. R-7 explains that all Wangnan needs to do is call the name of the teammate he wishes to summon, and he/she will then appear here at the pond. The robot also reminds Wangnan that enough points are needed for the summon, and will need consent from the Regular that he wishes to be summoned. R-7 also adds that it's possible to purchase a gambler from the 1st Round.

The robot explains how time and points work. After the purchase, it will cost an additional 50,000 points every 30 minutes that a teammate remains active. Defeating a Regular of another team will provide the winner 100,000 additional points, and defeating an opposing Vanguard will provie the winner 500,000 points. Wangnan asks if Khun got all that, and then asks who Khun has decided to choose.
Khun sees Jue Viole Grace as a possible Calling Center summon

Khun looks down the point-list of possible summons, and spots Viole as one of the people that is possible to purchase. He deduces that it would be possible to summon Bam to their team if FUG loses to Mad Dog. However, he spots the 1,000,000 point price-tag that's been placed on Viole, and realizes that it will be an expensive purchase to try to summon him. Despite the great thought of having Bam back with them, Khun puts his mind back on the slow build-up that's required first. Seeing the 90,000 point cost for Quaetro Blitz, Khun decides that the first summon will be him.

Tebo & Lebo are seen entering the east Calling Center as they hear Wangnan calling out in surprise at Khun mentioning that his teammate will be Quaetro. Wangnan reminds Khun how crazy that guy is, but Khun replies that despite his mind not always being in the right place, Quaetro is someone that knows how to use his fire-powers. Khun explains that bringing Quaetro here will also get them on Blarode's good side to have a top-5 E-ranker join their case, and while Wangnan understands that, he's still not sure about this. At this point, Tebo & Lebo greet Wangnan at the Pond of Calling as a voice is heard over their lighthouse saying how he was right that Wangnan would show up here.
Hyun Chung's Vanguard, Tebo & Lebo, arrive to stop Wangnan's summon

The voice on Tebo & Lebo's lighthouse, revealed to be gambler Hyun Chung, states how he knew someone was going to come up with the plan to avoid the main log-bridge by arriving at the east Calling Center. Chung explains that he caught on that something didn't add up at the beginning seeing that Khun had decided to start the Growth Tournament with a cheap Vanguard in order to perform an early teammate summon. Given off a grin, he taunts Team Khun that his brain is never wrong.

Getting irritated at Chung's claim, Khun yells for Wangnan to perform the summoning, which Wangnan does so by quickly yelling for Quaetro Blitz at the Pond of Calling. To Wangnan and Khun's surprise, a hologram of a loading circle appears in front of the R-7 robot.

Confused by what's going on, R-7 explains that it will take five minutes for the loading process to finish summoning the teammate, which Wangnan and Khun complain that that wasn't explained beforehand. R-7 jokes that all games have loading times, which pisses Wangnan off. Turning around, Wangnan looks back at Tebo & Lebo, and realizes that he's in trouble since he's got to hold out for five minutes until Quaetro gets here. The loading symbol for Quaetro continues to finish as Wangnan stands ready to fight.

    Viole and Nobic Make Their Move
Beta hands Viole a spare key to get into the hidden Thorn room.

Back to the FUG vs Mad Dog match, the Devil Arms, Horyang and Cassano, attempt to fight against Pandit and Grobin, but begins to feel that something about this is off seeing the two not using their full power against the Arm Devils. Horyang begins to catch on that Pandit and Gorbin are just stalling for time for some reason. He's also left wondering why Viole decided to go after Mad Dog alone. Meanwhile, Viole runs up the Battle Temple Shrine staircase alone prepared to face Baragav.

Viole thinks back to the conversation he had with Viole when they were discussing why he was the final reward of the Workshop Battle. Asking about what Beta means about stealing away the Thorn, Beta reveals that FUG had ordered for three gamblers to participate in the Workshop Battle. These FUG gamblers were then tasked to kill all of Viole's teammates and friends while the FUG Slayer is left preoccupied fighting against Baragav.

The revelation shocks Viole as Beta explains further that Viole is trapped on the Archimedes, because FUG has Rankers aboard the ship just in case something goes wrong with the E-rank RUG Regulars during the tournament. Beta states that the only way Viole can get out of this is if he steals the Thorn away from them.
Nobic catches Reflejo's suspicious movements behind the scenes

Beta throws Viole a tiny red object, and explains that it's the other key he stole from the Acorn Workshop that will show Viole where the Thorn's been hidden in the 2nd Round Area. He also tells Viole that he will be waiting for the FUG Slayer at the location of the Thorn while the tournament's going on. Back to the present, Viole arrives at an an odd door with red circles carved into the rock wall. He thinks back to what Beta told him that the FUG Slayer will know everything once he gets here. The truth hidden behind the Workshop Battle, as well as a way to get back to his previous friends. Viole thinks to himself that behind this door must be where the real Thorn is hidden.

Meanwhile, Reflejo makes his way through the Battle Temple Shrine arena by himself. He's then greeted by Nobic, who points out how Reflejo's not supposed to be here given that Viole had ordered the masked Regular to stay behind to defend one of the FUG Team's invading spots. Nobic asks why Reflejo's out of position, and states that the latter can't pass here. Reflejo remains silent as Nobic points out that Viole and him have decided to team up with Team Mad Dog to break away from FUG.

A day before the Archimedes party, Anaak is greeted by Ron Mei, which the latter finds it amazing that the green lizard is able to show up after her brutal duel with Ran. Anaak asks if it's true that Team Mad Dog will be fighting against FUG in the 2nd Round, which Ron answers to be the case.
Ron Mei offering Nobic a chance for Viole to team up with Mad Dog

The green lizard then asks for a favor completely unrelated to revenge against Ran, which confuses Ron. Anaak explains that along with Ran, the Khun member has a teammate on the FUG Team named Nobic that seem to be partners. She asks for Ron's Mad Dog team to sneak into the FUG Team to find out what's going on from Nobic and Ran. If Anaak's suspicion is correct that Nobic and Ran know something's amiss, then there's no reason that Mad Dog has to fight against Viole.

At a later time one hour before the 2nd Round tournament, Nobic is seen on his own thinking about the plan he came up with Viole about stealing the final prize of the Workshop Battle, but wonders how they will do it under the noses of FUG and Mad Dog. Ron Mei next appears, and asks if he's the same Nobic that was a part of Khun's team before he fell apart. Nobic asks why she's here to see him, which she tells him what Anaak told her about Viole possibly being someone else. And if that theory turns out to be true, than the Mad Dog can help Viole get out of his current situation.
Nobic vs. Reflejo

Back to the present, Nobic is seen now battling against Reflejo during the FUG vs. Mad Dog tournament match. Nobic dodges Reflejo's massive scythe as he explains that the team-up with Mad Dog was a suggestion good for both parties considering that it's the goal of Team Mad Dog to defeat FUG while Viole wishes to break away form the organization. He taunts Reflejo that FUG's goal will fail here, and Viole will soon be able to return to his old teammates once he's stolen away the Thorn that FUG is trying so desperately to obtain. The mention of the Thorn grabs Reflejo's attention as he attempts to hit Nobic once more with his scythe, but is blocked just like before.

Standing opposite one another, Nobic taunts Reflejo that since Viole has his own key, and Mad Dog is currently in control of the other, Viole will reach the Thorn hidden in the Battle Temple Shrine before the people of FUG can catch up to him. Nobic states that the game is no longer in FUG's hands, but Reflejo calls out Nobic for daring to talk down to him with such arrogance. Nobic's attention is brought to the shadows beginning to surround Reflejo as the masked Regular warns him for being an imbecile that he has no idea what the Thorn is capable of.

Back to the Growth Tournament, Quaetro continues to load into the east Calling Center as Wangnan stands ready to delay against Tebo & Lebo. Wangnan looks to Khun's lighthouse, and asks what they're supposed to do now, which Khun answers that they still have four minutes of loading time remaining. He orders for Wangnan to start running until Quaetro's summon is finished.

    Team Wangnan vs. Team Hyun Chung
Wangnan vs. Tebo & Lebo

Gambler Hyun Chung gives off a laugh if they truly believe they can escape such a small room, and states that they're looking down on Tebo & Lebo. Chung orders for his two Vanguards to show what they're capable as Wangnan sees the two of them begin to create a giant ball of shinsu together.

A giant shinsu beam from Tebo & Lebo fires at Wangnan, who quickly dodges out of the way. The two opposing Vanguards continue to fire shinsu beams at Wangnan, who complains that he won't be able to last for another four minutes. Khun realizes the bad situation that Tebo & Lebo were more powerful than he thought, and knows that it's all over if they manage to strike Wangnan with one of their powerful shinsu beams. He deduces that it's only a matter of time before Tebo & Lebo land a hit, and needs to quickly discover their weakness.

Upon closer look at Tebo & Lebo, Khun deduces that he's found the secret as to why the two of them are considered one Vanguard being. He orders for Wangnan to run towards them, which shocks Wangnan. Khun explains that he wants to test something out, which Wangnan complains that getting closer to the shinsu beams will kill him much faster, and calls Khun mad for it. However, Khun replies that there are times where being a mad man is the only way to survive some situations, and asks for Wangnan to trust him.

Wangnan finally stops running away as Khun points out that he knows how courageous of a person Wangnan is at heart, which annoys him knowing that Khun's saying the truth. Chung remains confused at seeing Wangnan turning towards them as the latter charges toward Tebo & Lebo.
Wangnan confirms Khun's theory that the orange one is a slower fake

Chung asks if Wangnan wishes to die as the next shinsu beam from Tebo & Lebo fires while Wangnan is at close range. Khun orders for Wangnan to dodge at the last second, which he does so. Wangnan then looks back at Tebo & Lebo, but is left confused seeing that Tebo & Lebo are no longer preparing to fire another shinsu beam. Tebo & Lebo themselves are confused about why this is happening.

Khun looks at the startled Tebo & Lebo, and comes to the conclusion that his theory was correct. That Tebo & Lebo are known as a half & half. Wangnan remains confused by the answer, which Khun explains that he had always found it weird from the first moment he saw Tebo & Lebo that they never leave each other's side. Khun continues by stating that he knows of a tribe living in the Tower that have people known to split in two when their bodies become ready, and that Tebo & Lebo are an example of such a person that had already gone through the split process.

Seeing the orange and blue clothed Tebo & Lebo, Khun can tell that the blue one is the original person while the orange one is the fake copy that split off, because the orange one has had slower reaction times. Chung is left shocked that they noticed what Tebo & Lebo are as Khun states that the orange one's slow reaction when Wangnan charged at them was proof that his entire theory was correct.
Wangnan defeats Tebo & Lebo

Wangnan believes that he now understands what's going on as Chung orders Tebo & Lebo to quickly finish it before a problem occurs. Tebo & Lebo begin to shoot off more beams of shinsu, but Wangnan circles around the orange fake knowing that the clone's reaction is slow to catch up to him. Before the orange one of Tebo & Lebo could turn around, Wangnan hits him on the head, and the orange clone falls to the ground. The blue original of Tebo & Lebo begins to show sweat and fear as Wangnan gives off a smile that he's won this fight.

A moment later, Tebo & Lebo lie on the ground defeated having both been hit in the head by Wangnan. Wangnan gives off a sigh of relief, and an announcement is then made that Team Khun has managed to beat the Vanguard of the team they were put up against, and has made it to the next round of the Growth Tournament. Their victory over Hyun Chung's team provides Team Khun an additional 500,000 points to use.

Minutes later, the loading is over, and Quaetro is finally summoned into the east Calling Center. Quaetro appears at the Pond of Calling with his fire Bangs prepared for a fight, which Wangnan admits that he's surprised to see how fast the former came jumping out of the water.
Wangnan summons Quaetro, Rak, Ehwa, and Akraptor into the Growth Tournament

Quaetro dances around asking Wangnan where the enemies are that he needs to burn, but Wangnan takes a seat on the ground, and informs the crazed fire-user that it's already over. All they have to do is wait it out for the next round of the Growth Tournament to start.

Quaetro is left disappointed upon hearing that there's nothing for him to burn, and will drive himself crazy if he doesn't burn something. Wangnan ignores it, and looks to Khun's lighthouse. He reminds Khun that they got enough points beating Chung's team to summon in more teammates while they're here, which Khun agrees with. He orders for Wangnan to prepare for more teammate summons at the east Calling Center since they won't get another chance to do so for the next round of the Growth Tournament. Moments later, Wangnan finishes the summoning process to bring Rak (150,000 points), Ehwa (150,000 points), and Akraptor (70,000 points) into the Growth Tournament.

The current Team Khun now within the Growth Tournament consists of Vanguard Wangnan, Quaetro, Rak, Ehwa, and Akraptor. Ehwa complains how her clothes are wet while Quaetro is glad to see the return of the alligator-dinosaur. Wangnan asks about how the waiting room was, which he answers that Endorsi Jahad's been throwing a tantrum. Rak calls out Khun for making them late as the latter states that now's about time for them to get moving to compete in the next round of the Growth Tournament. Rak asks about Team FUG's situation, which Khun provides him the bad news that he can't see anything other than what the eventual result of the FUG vs. Mad Dog match will be.

    Reflejo and Beta's Viole Trap
Viole enters the hidden room on the island that's been hiding the Thorn

Khun also adds that they can check the result at the television that's been provided at the Growth Tournament's waiting area, which causes Rak to yell that their next destination will be that. Khun is left thinking to himself hoping that Bam will remain safe through all this.

At an underground location beneath the 2nd Round island, Viole reaches a giant needle-like object covered in bandages, and figures that this must be the real Thorn that people have been talking about. At that moment, Beta appears, and asks if Viole finds the real Thorn amazing considering that it's the weapon that FUG's been trying to obtain. Viole's attention is brought to Beta, which the latter states that the Thorn is known as the needle that will kill the Tower King.

Beta continues to walk towards Viole, and states that there's a reason the Thorn's been given the nickname as the needle that will kill the Tower King. He explains to Viole how a long time ago, the Irregular, Enryu, did the impossible, and managed to kill one of the Tower Guardians. The event came as a shock to everyone as the death of a Guardian breaks the absolute rules of the Tower. Beta states that this Thorn object was left behind at the location where Enryu killed the Tower Guardian. However, the Thorn ended up falling into the hands of FUG, who believe that they can use the Thorn as a weapon to one day kill King Jahad.

Continuing the explanation, Beta states that no matter how hard FUG tried to ignite the Thorn themselves, they couldn't do it, and came to the conclusion that the giant needle was already dead, and left as a hollow shell. As a result, FUG had handed over the Thorn to some researchers they were connected to within Workshop in the hopes of discovering a method to reignite the Thorn.
Nobic hears Reflejo state that he will provide his master with the weapon

FUG had promised the researchers the organization's full support to them if they managed to find an answer regarding the Thorn, which the researchers gladly agreed to. Beta reveals that the arrival of the Thorn at Workshop was when the kidnappings of the kids in the Tower's middle area began in order to have experiments to carry out the Thorn research. The research being to turn a human into a Living Ignition Weapon.

Meanwhile, Reflejo continues to stand opposite Nobic having informed the latter of the weapon known as the needle that will kill the Tower King. The nickname confuses Nobic, which Reflejo explains that it's the weapon that will realize FUG's long-cherished dream. Reflejo explains that after waiting a long time for the Thorn's completion, they finally have the last material, which Nobic asks what it is. Reflejo answers that this plan has been around long before Nobic even existed, and that this is his last job to give the completed weapon over to his master. Nobic remains confused about what Reflejo is talking about, but is greeted by the arrival of the Mad Dog Team's Ridong and Viviolga, who inform Nobic that what Reflejo is referring to is that the Workshop Battle is still under FUG's complete control. Nobic turns around in confusion, and is told that he and Viole are the ones being set up.

Back to the underground Thorn room, Beta explains that the Living Ignition Weapon research was carried out in secret since it was a rule amongst Workshop overall that research on living humans was prohibited. However, the researchers taking part in the Living Ignition Weapon experiments became mad and obsessed with the work, and never stopped.
Beta attacks Viole after explaining the purpose of Workshop's experiments

They then finally came to a successful experiment when they were able to place half of a devil creature into a human to make them Living Ignition Weapons (referring to the Horyang and Cassano experiments). Beta asks Viole a question as to why the researchers were so obsessed with making the Living Ignition Weapon succeed, which Beta answers himself that it's because they finally found the Devil that will ignite the Thorn. Beta states the Devil he speaks of is the evil hidden in Viole's body.

Viole continues to try to make sense of the story as Beta explains that he doesn't know what exactly is within Viole currently, but has heard the rumors that it has the strength of a god. Beta states that the Living Ignition Weapon research happened so that Viole would one day be able to ignite the Thorn. He informs Viole that despite the FUG organization having prepared their new FUG Slayer to receive the Thorn here at this Workshop Battle, some of the senior FUG Slayers objected to this plan, which catches Viole's attention.

Beta reveals to Viole that some of the senior FUG Slayers claimed that they can't hand the Thorn over to a rookie Slayer Candidate since it's possible that the new guy could betray them at any time. He states that FUG chose to come up with another plan by instead injecting the spirit of Viole into the Thorn to ignite the weapon, and be used by someone else within FUG. Beta gives off a smile, and prepares to ignite his body ready to fight Viole. He charges at the surprised FUG Slayer, and reminds Viole that the weapon, known as Jue Viole Grace, is the final prize of the Workshop Battle.
Ron Mei reveals to Nobic that Team Mad Dog has always been a part of FUG

Returning to Nobic, he continues to stand before Ridong and Viviolga, and questions why they're here instead of protecting the Mad Dog Team's key to the Thorn room. Ron Mei then appears next, and states how naive he and Anaak turned out to be, which stuns Nobic. She asks how Nobic never noticed how things were running too smoothly, and reveals that Team Mad Dog has been a part of FUG this whole time. Nobic asks how that's possible considering that the Mad Dog team hates FUG, but Ron states that that was a lie in order to keep Viole in a panicked state having enemies all around him. Ron taunts Nobic that she used Anaak to watch over Viole, and that she spoke the truth that she offered Nobic help to Viole for just a little while, which irritates Nobic now seeing the bad predicament he's in.

Nobic thinks to himself about what's going on at the moment, and concludes that this has all been a trap established by FUG and Mad Dog to make sure that Viole would go to the Thorn himself. Ridong and Viviolga then charge towards Nobic, but before they could reach him, a giant beam of shinsu appears from the side, and kills the two Mad Dog members. Ron and Nobic look to the location of the latter's savior, and see Horyang having activated his devil arm.

Horyang asks Nobic to tell him what's going on since he's felt that something about this FUG vs. Mad Dog match has been off. Ron comments how the scary teddy bear has arrived as Nobic calls out for Horyang to run since they're caught in a trap.
Nobic and Horyang run into Yuto after escaping from Reflejo and Ron

Horyang activates his Devil Arm once more, and fires a shot at Ron, which he's able to deflect with her lighthouse field. He and Nobic then escape into the forest; leaving Ron and Reflejo by themselves. Ron asks if they should chase them, but Reflejo states that it won't be necessary since there's nothing the two of them can do about this.

Horyang and Nobic continue to run away as Horyang asks once more about what's going on, and if Viole's ok. During their run, Nobic explains that it was all a trap since FUG and Mad Dog were on the same side this entire time, which shocks Horyang. Nobic states that it's clear now that they're trying to use Viole to make something major happen. Horyang continues to be confused about this, to which Nobic answers that he won't know himself if he doesn't talk to Viole about this. It's at this point that the two of them run into Yuto of the FUG Team.

Nobic and Horyang remain on alert wondering if Yuto is here to stop them, but the latter asks the two to follow, and that she will show them the way. A red eye-ball is seen looking at them through the mask as she states to Horyang and Nobic that there's something the two of them need to do.

Back to the Thorn room, Beta's surprise attack succeeds by stabbing into Viole's chest. The FUG Slayer deduces that this all may have been a trap as Beta states to Viole that he's been waiting a long time for FUG's new Slayer Candidate to appear here. He states to Viole that everything regarding the Living Ignition Experiments went down in order to complete the FUG Slayer.
Beta throws Viole into the dark abyss of the Thorn room

Beta finds it ridiculous how Viole believes that he can steal away the Thorn, and return to his friends. Beta states that she (Emily) is being used to attract people to Workshop to be used for the experiments, and states that he, and those that have been experimented on, can't allow for Viole to live a happy life.

Viole remains confused about who the girl is that Beta is referring to as Beta continues to state that he will be sure to kill the FUG Slayer's friends one by one in order to show him how much it hurts to lose something valuable. Beta throws Viole down to a dark location at the bottom of the Thorn room, and asks Viole, the completed one, to live in despair.

At the Growth Tournament, Wangnan and company of Team Khun look up, and notice that the Archimedes above them has started to move for some reason. Io and Punk appear, and have received word of breaking news regarding the FUG vs. Mad Dog match that went down on the northern end of the island. They state that the Mad Dog team gave up part way through the match, and that the winner has been established to be Team FUG.

Hearing Team Mad Dog giving up surprises Khun as another announcement is made soon after. Io and Punk state that four members of Team FUG, including Jue Viole Grace, left the group, and that Ron Mei and Mad Dog, Baragav, have agreed to join up with Team FUG. The announcement shocks Khun hearing that FUG and Mad Dog have joined forces, and is left wondering what's going on.

Workshop Battle: Tournament Tropes

  • Arc Villain: Reflejo and the Mad Dog team join forces to be the primary villains of the Workshop Battle. Beta also serves as this for the Workshop Battle (for Viole specifically).
  • Call-Back: Just like what happened during the final 2nd Floor exam, Viole (Bam) once more falls into a dark abyss.
  • Character Death:
    • The Vanguard that Bundawan defeats in the Growth Tournament is implied to have died.
    • Ridong and Viviolga of the Mad Dog Team are killed by Horyang by his Devil Arm when they try to kill Nobic after revealing that they're working for FUG.
  • Cliffhanger:
    • The Workshop Battle gets turned on its head due to Viole falling into a dark abyss at the room of the Thorn weapon at the hands of Beta, and Team Mad Dog joining forces with the remaining FUG Team members trying to control Viole.
    • Nobic and Horyang have also disappeared from the FUG Team alongside Yuto.
  • Deadly Game: The 2nd Round of the Workshop Battle has some brutal moments. The Growth Tournament resulted in the death of one of the Vanguards while Horyang killed two Regulars during the FUG vs. Mad Dog match.
  • Exposition: Beta explains to Viole the background of how the Thorn came to be (Irregular Enryu killing a Tower Guardian), as well as FUG teaming up with people in Workshop to make the Thorn into a Living Ignition Weapon.
  • Foreshadowing: More foreshadowing of Yuto's identity since you get to see her eye here.
  • The Reveal:
    • Team Mad Dog had been teamed up with FUG (Reflejo specifically) this entire time despite the claims that Mad Dog now hates FUG.
  • Wham Shot:
    • Nobic being told by members of Team Mad Dog that they're still part of FUG.
    • Beta has two moments. When he attacks Viole, and when he drops Viole into a dark abyss of the Thorn room.
  • Wham Episode: Could be seen as one since the FUG vs. Mad Dog match led to a huge shake-up of them having been working together this whole time to keep Viole under their control.
