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Recap / Total Drama: "Chinese Fake-Out"

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The next challenge takes place on the Great Wall of China. After failing to make an alliance with any of the contestants, Blaineley enlists Chef to help her win. Thanks to her ability (or everyone else's inability) to keep down disgusting food, Sierra wins the challenge, and Courtney and Blaineley fall victim to a surprise double elimination.

Tropes that appeared in this episode:

  • All Asians Wear Conical Straw Hats: The old Chinese woman whose roof Sierra crashes through wears such a hat.
  • And I'm the Queen of Sheba: Chef enters an alliance with Blaineley and as part of their deal he pulls her rickshaw during the race over the Great Wall of China. The deceptively-heavy Blaineley claims to be a size zero, but after the exercise, Chef knows that she's as likely to be a size zero as he is to be the Emperor of China.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: When highlighting reasons to kick both Blaineley and Courtney off of the plane (since the producers were bugging him throughout the episode about budgeting), Chris says that there will be less weight on the plane, less food required to feed the contestants, and that they were both very annoying.
  • Asians Love Tea: Sierra meets a old Chinese lady who listens to her vent about her love for Cody. The lady helps Sierra out by giving her some herbal tea, which she claims works as a Love Potion.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: When Blaineley starts airing dirty laundry, Chris admits this is kind of entertaining. Then she presses his Berserk Button.
  • Berserk Button: Blaineley managed to press Chris' by pointing out that he was last choice only because she rejected his job.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Duncan and Alejandro when Chris tells them there is no prize in the first challenge for coming in first.
  • Bilingual Bonus: The bag of love-me tea Sierra gets from the little old Chinese lady has the Chinese character "心" (pronounced xīn) on it, the word for "heart."
  • The Cameo: Zeke tries to take a part of the wedding cake that Duncan and Courtney won in the previous episode.
  • Cheaters Never Prosper: Blaineley was getting an advantage from her alliance with Chef (she formed an illegal one with him), while Alejandro made Courtney eat all his food. Once Heather and Duncan pick up on this, they immediately lose and both Blaineley and Courtney get booted.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Without knowing, Sierra's "love tea" was numbing her taste buds, which helped her through the eating challenge.
  • Continuity Nod: Blaineley mentions how Chef made an alliance with DJ in the previous season, which failed. Cody's allergies and EpiPen also return in this episode, this time solved by Sierra. Also, when Alejandro suggests he and Duncan go back to help Courtney in order to gain her loyalty, Duncan asserts that "she doesn't have any of that - trust a guy who's tried!", likely referencing the events of "Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island."
  • Crush Blush: Alejandro comes to Courtney's rescue when her tricycle gets stuck in a crack. He also takes his time to flirt with her, which causes Courtney to blush.
  • Everyone Can See It: During Blaineley's rant, she all but states that Heather and Alejandro have the hots for each other.
    Blaineley: Heather and Alejandro, just give it up and make out already!
  • Exact Words: When Cody tells Chris to ring the gong at the finish line (since Sierra is approaching), Chris rings it, after Sierra has crossed the finish line, much to Cody's chagrin.
  • Eyebrow Waggle: Courtney gets her tricycle's front wheel stuck in a crack and can't get it out herself. Alejandro comes to her rescue and pulls it out, all the while flirting with her ending on an eyebrow waggle.
  • Foreign Queasine: For the "Chinese buffet" challenge, the contestants had to eat, in order, donkey meat (which Cody refused to eat), live mealworms (which Heather failed to finish and subsequently vomited on Chris), skewered starfish (which Duncan failed to finish), and an unknown dish with green goop and tentacles (which both Blaineley and Alejandro vomited on).
  • Gasshole: The donkey that Cody rides for the first part of the challenge farts quite a bit during his appearances.
  • Godzilla Threshold: With Owen gone, Duncan considers forming an alliance with his volatile ex as a means to counter the others (especially Alejandro). Courtney shoving him face first into that wedding cake made him think twice, of course.
  • Insult Backfire: Heather derogatively calls Blaineley a diva. Blaineley cheerfully thanks her for it.
  • In-Universe Factoid Failure: When Chris starts to explain the first part of the challenge, he says that the Great Wall of China was built eight million years ago. Courtney points this out, however, she also incorrectly says that eight million years ago, there were still dinosaurs on Earth (Well, there were, but only of the avian variety) and calls that time the Miocene Era (the Miocene was an epoch, a much smaller division of time than an era).
  • Kinda Busy Here: Chris is constantly annoyed by the producers calling him throughout the episode, which interferes with the challenge.
  • Messy Pig: Courtney hits a landmine during the race and is knocked off the Great Wall of China right into a pigpen. She comes out covered in mud and goo, smelling awfully, and severely annoyed by the pigs' curiosity in their visitor.
  • "Oh, Crap!" Smile: Courtney makes this face when Heather rats her out for cheating in the eating challenge with Alejandro.
  • Pec Flex: In the confessional, Alejandro discloses that he's been dreading the inevitable eating competition, because his body is too flawless to contaminate with gross food. To illustrate his assertion, he rips off his shirt and flexes his pecs.
  • Pet the Dog: Alejandro votes to eliminate Blaineley, as Heather really wants her gone.
  • Picky Eater: Alejandro proves to be this, easily gagging at the thought of eating the food, and not wanting to so much as touch the food that he's supposed to eat.
  • Plot Armor: Despite flat out cheating, Courtney gets voted out for assisting Alejandro in the stunt.
  • Post-Victory Collapse: Chef is the mystery person who Blaineley gets to pull her rickshaw during the race. To ensure he isn't seen and their illegal alliance exposed, they take a detour that Blaineley abuses to get the full tourist experience and yet Chef still manages to get her to the finish line and make himself scarce before anyone else arrives. By the time the race has finished, he has made it to the restaurant to prepare the next challenge and collapses from exhaustion on a table.
  • Pun-Based Title: The title is a play on the food, Chinese takeout.
  • Rattling Off Legal: In need of an alliance, Blaineley uses the plane's intercom to propose one to whomever will bite. She promises an alliance none will regret and continues with a quick succession of words to the tune of "Thispromiseisnotlegallybinding.Offermaybewithdrawnatanytime."
  • Shout-Out:
    • Sierra references Sally Field's speech for winning the Academy Award when she says "You like me! You really like me!".
    • Duncan's line "If annoying you is wrong, I don't want to be right" is a reference to the song "(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right".
  • Skewed Priorities: Cheaters Never Prosper, but Chris mainly kicks Blaineley and Courtney out after Blaineley aired dirty laundry by revealing she rejected the host job before he got it, which angered him enough to push both of them out.
  • Spotting the Thread: Heather notices how Alejandro keeps bending over while supposedly eating. Duncan also notices how Courtney keeps chewing while sitting at a table with no food.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: When Chris asks Chef if he was the network's first choice instead of Blaineley, Chef hesitates before going "Of course".
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Chris has been exploiting Screw The Rules I Make Em and mismanaging the show's funds. The producers end up hounding him as a result forcing him to make last minute changes to get them off hims back.
  • Uncertain Doom: We never learn for certain if Ace, the donkey that Cody rides on the first part of the challenge, is the same donkey that was cooked for the eating challenge.
  • Victoria's Secret Compartment: Sierra has one of Cody's epipens stored in her cleavage. She gets it out when the love-me tea she's brewed causes Cody an allergic reaction.
  • Villain Has a Point: While not antagonistic in that part of the episode, Heather simply says to Cody that he has to let Sierra down gently, noting that it's better for her as well as him.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Blaineley loses it after she is eliminated simultaneously with Courtney, going on a rant that only stopped after Chris pushed her out the door when she claims that she was originally supposed to be the host of Total Drama, and that Chris only got the job because she turned it down.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: As with any gross-out eating challenge in the series, practically everyone vomits. Heather in particular projectile vomits straight onto Chris' face, and Courtney vomits through the mask Chris forced her to wear to get her to stop cheating for Alejandro.
  • What Could Have Been: Both examples In-Universe;
    • There was supposed to be a tie-breaker, but due to budget issues, both Courtney and Blaineley were eliminated.
    • According to Blaineley, she was supposed to be the host instead of Chris, much to his annoyance.
  • Working with the Ex: Duncan attempt to get on Courtney's good side so that he has some influence in the next vote off. Courtney responds by shoving him into the wedding cake they won yesterday.
  • You Need a Breath Mint: While racing along the Great Wall of China, Heather tells Blaineley to take a mint when she finds the other running too close to her.
