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Recap / Time Squad S 02 Ep 05 The Clownfather

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We open up to the control room where Larry is just pulling up their assignment. On the computer screen, the following appears; Al Capone, 1925, Chicago, Illinois with a real-life image of Capone on the side of the screen.

Otto explains that Capone was one of the most notorious gangsters of all time, which makes Tuddrussel naively show off his gun shooting skills and accidentally shoot down one of the computers; much to Larry's annoyance.

They zap into Chicago right as a bank robbery is taking place and take cover. Otto notes that with the immediate violence taking place that "This really is Chicago, 1925!" A car pulls up in front of them, and the driver demands that they get in with him and they do so without hesitation.

It turns out that the man was waiting for three of his partners in the mob who had just robbed the bank, mistaking the Time Squad for the three gangsters who suspiciously look like them; Tuddrussio, Lenny, and Blotto. The get-away driver nicknamed Jimmy "the Hand" doesn't realize the mistake, but hates the idea of going back to Capone without the money when he finds out the "thugs" came back empty-handed.

At Al Capone's hideout, while counting his money then reaching for his gun when he hears someone entering until it is revealed to be Jimmy and the "thugs", Capone doesn't recognize the fact right away that he's not addressing to his three gangsters. When Larry tells him that they don't have the money, Capone tells them that it's a good thing that they're dealing with the "New Capone", because the "Old Capone" would have them killed. He goes on to explain that from now on, there's not going to be any more usual gangster business around here. But instead, they're going take things into a new direction. Capone then orders his goons to send in the clowns- literally. A group of party clowns is shoved into the room. Capone explains that he plans on making Clowning his professional business, and allowing the real clowns to take over the Mob.

Otto asks why Capone would want to trade places with a bunch of clowns, and Capone gives a sad tale about his childhood. In a flashback from when Capone was a little boy, his father hired a clown named Ho-Ho to perform for his fifth birthday. But Ho-Ho was a deadbeat loser who ruined little Al's party. Capone reasons that he wants to trade places with clowns so no other child has to go through what he did, especially his own son, Little Al Jr. whose birthday is coming up.

The Time Squad and Capone's gang get dressed up in clown attire and go to the house where a child's birthday party is taking place. At first, things were going well, with the gangsters acting on their best behavior for the kids. Tuddrussel is seen balancing a piano on his nose, which Larry can't help but try to make him slip up by tossing a banana peel down near his feet. Tuddrussel ends up stepping on it and slipping, causing the piano to fall and crush the birthday boy, Billy. After Tuddrussel retaliates by throwing a pie in Larry's face and just when they are about to pie fight, Billy's mother screams, calling the clowns "monsters" for squashing her son. Panicking, the gang flee the scene of the crime.

Back at the hideout, Capone is saddened by the dark turn of events of the party. And then when things are already looking bad, Jimmy hands him the evening newspaper that has the headline: "Clowns Make Crime a Joke!". In the streets of Chicago, the clowns are doing everything that Capone's crime syndicate used to do, but with a twisted edge. Drive-by shootings became "Drive- PIE shootings" where the victim gets hit with cream pies instead of bullets, race dogs reduced to performing circus clown tricks instead of racing, and people playing Blackjack are at risk of actually being hit with a boxing glove if they dare say "hit me", while in game. Capone sees the clowns work at the casino with disgust, and regrets his plan.

The following day is Little Al Jr.'s birthday party. And the ones that are entertaining Al's son and the kids are the actual clowns that Capone had traded back places with. Capone thanks Time Squad for their help and tells them that he's learned that a life of crime is the only life for him, but hasn't left the world of clowning forever. He implies ill-intentions by pointing a gun at a clown who dropped a ball in his juggling act unless he performs well for his son's birthday and says that he'll be keeping an eye on these guys.

Then, Time squad steps outside and zaps back to the satellite about a few seconds before Tuddrussio, Lenny, and Blotto return, exhausted after their ordeal. Tuddrussio says that it's good to be home until they hear Billy's mother shout: "There they are." The mother is shown with some policemen, and Billy, in a body cast. Having mistaken the gangsters for Time Squad, she watches in satisfaction as the cops beat up the gangsters.

Tropes present in this episode include:

  • Black Comedy: Larry and Tuddrussel fight each other over who gets to entertain kids at the birthday party. Tuddrussel wows the kids by balancing a piano on his nose. Larry throws down a banana peel and Tuddrussel slips on it. The two almost get into a pie fight until a panicked mom finds her son Billy crushed by a piano and the mobsters (including the Time Squad) bail before the cops can come.
  • Cement Shoes: Literally threatens his henchman with a pair of these when he complains (by honking a horn) about having to become a clown.
  • Cigar Chomper: Al Capone is never seen without a cigar hanging out of his mouth, even in his clown get-up.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: This episode is full of it, including a woman having a heart attack thanks to a clown popping out of the slot machine, a man on the street thinking he's going to get shot in a drive-by only to be hit with pies, and Capone's gang (and the Time Squad) entertaining kids at a party by juggling guns and teaching them how to play three-card monte (which ends with all of them bailing when a kid named Billy gets crushed by a piano).
  • Criminal Doppelgänger: Three of Al Capone's henchmen- Tuddrussio, Lenny, and Blotto- bear a striking resemblance to Tuddrussel, Larry, and Otto. Both Tuddrussel and Larry share voice actors with their respective doppelgangers, albeit with different regional accents. Even Capone cannot tell the guys apart, resulting in the Time Squad reluctantly joining his birthday clown gang. And as for the real mobsters... Guess who gets the blame when Tuddrussel and Larry's clown antics get out of hand at the birthday party?
  • The Don: It is Al Capone after all!
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Al Capone's Freudian Excuse for why he wants to trade places with clowns, he never wanted his own son, or any other child for that matter to go through having a terrible birthday involving Jerkass clowns like he did.
    • Which is ironic later because this leads to birthday boy Billy getting crushed by a piano thanks to Tuddrussel, who was dressed as a clown at the time.
  • Non-Ironic Clown: Al Capone forces a group of clowns to take over his criminal empire while he and his gang take over the clown entertainment business. All with genuinely good intentions.
