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Recap / Time Squad S 01 Ep 03 Napoleon The Conquered

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On the satellite Larry is busy doing routine work on the computers in the control room. Otto comes in and unintentionally annoys Larry with questions about his job. Larry attempts to make Otto go away by agreeing to explain to him how "Time gets all screwed up". He tells Otto how as time moves forward, it "unravels" and causes bizzare events to happen that alter events in the future. An example given is what if the Dodo bird never went extinct? Maybe one day an evolved Dodo attacks a young Henry Ford and scars him for life, causing him to never create the automobile and so in the far future they're suddenly without their solar powered self driving cars.

The lesson is cut short at the sound of the alarm. The mission is to seek out Napoleon Bonaparte in the year 1797. In France, Napoleon is in the middle of leading his army against the Prussians when the Time Squad zaps right infront of the battle. This frightens the armies into retreating, making Napoleon very upset. Tuddrussel doesn't know that this is Napoleon, and assumes that the screaming little man with the sword is a child and thinks it's cute and gushes over him, making Napoleon irate. Larry tries to smooth things over in french, but Napoleon can't be presuaded and arrests them, stating that he plans to have them beheaded.

In Paris, the guys have been lead to the guillotine, and Tuddrussel pushes Larry in to be the first to go. Larry sighs, unbothered because it won't kill him and more just inconveninced goes along with it and assumes the position for the guillotine. Then the shrill voice of a woman breaks up the scene as the blade comes down on Larry's neck. This woman is Josephine, Napoleon's wife.Josephine is angry with Napoleon for leaving her with the household chores and kids while he goes off waging war and orders him to come home and allows him to "bring his friends" (the Time Squad) with him as well. At the Bonaparte residence, the guys overhear Josephine rant to her husband over her frustrations with having Napoleon conquer land when he once promised that once they were married he would stop, but he didn't keep the promise and leaves her alone and unfulfilled in life. She tells him that she signed up for classes at the local community college and plans on discovering what her purpose in life is, and that he's no longer allowed to wage war and he has to stay at home and do the chores and raise the kids from now on.

The Time Squad concludes that Napoleon is totally "whipped" by his wife and they need to come up with a way to sneak around Josephine's back and get Napoleon back on the battlefields. They make peace with Napoleon, and help him do the chores in order to ease Josephine's worries while she's in class all day. And at night while Josephine is asleep, Napoleon and the guys gather the French army and wage war in Egypt. This was a success, but of course they are not so careful the second time, and after they sneak out to conquer Italy before dinner Josephine catches wind of the hijinks when she notices that her husband and friends had made poorly constructed dummies of themselves as replacements. Joesphine waits all night for them, and when they do come home she grounds them for disobeying and warns them to be at her piano recital the following night or else. The guys disobey her again, and instead plant the same dummies in seats at the theater where Josephine is performing and get to Belgium to wage war with the British.

But before they've even begun to fight, the battle is interupted by none other than Josephine, who's incredibly pissed over the guys abandoning her recital that she brutally beats up her husband, the Time Squad, and the entire French army. Tuddrussel and Otto complement her skills as a fighter, and encourage her to fight along side Napoleon. Now the mission has been solved- Josephine's life is happy and fulfilled and Napoleon is back to conquering Europe. Tuddrussel and Larry find this outcome to be heartwarming, so much that Otto can't bring himself to tell them that their happy ending is going to end badly because they happen to be at the Battle of Waterloo.

