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Recap / The World God Only Knows Search For Mercurius Arc

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Chapters 151-168

Short Summary

Keima struggles to find the final Jupiter Sister, Mercurius, who is hiding in either Ayumi or Chihiro. Elsewhere, Haqua ends up getting herself into trouble after returning to New Hell.

Main Summary

Keima is struggling to move due to a sudden illness. He uses this to his advantage to initiate a sick event to increase his romance points with Ayumi by having her nurse him back to health. Chihiro however ends up getting caught in the mix to nurse him back to health as well and ends up confessing her love for Keima before leaving. Keima trys to play it off like he couldn't hear her, but Ayumi got the full wind of it, and decides to step aside to cheer Chihiro on. Moments after, Diana appears before Keima and asks for a summoning of the four Jupiter Sisters he's awakened in an attempt to bring Apollo back. Instead, Keima gets sucked into Apollo's spell where he gets to talk with her face-to-face; unable to end the spell as she's been enduring a battle of her own against Vintage; cleaning their evil influence on the town. Kanon appears as well to encourage Keima on; showing that she has awakened the Jupiter Sister's power as well.

In New Hell, Haqua is suddenly fired as District Chief, and gets jailed as Vintage begins to make their move. However, she is rescued by Chief Dokuro who bestows upon Haqua her scythe to be the future of New Hell. Here, we are introduced to Lune, the new District Chief...but also a member of Vintage.

At school, much to Keima's surprise, Chihiro asks Keima out to the Mai Festival Eve campfire to which he accepts. Keima makes one final push on Ayumi to try to get a reaction out of her, even claiming that he will kiss Chihiro, but she brushes it aside. During the campfire, Keima and Chihiro decide to break away from the group to be alone. Here, Chihiro confesses that she had been in love with Keima for awhile despite all the negative things she's said about him. It is at this point however, that Keima finally realizes that the Goddess isn't in Chihiro as she can't remember the first time they kissed. Cut to Ayumi in a dressing room; revealing the final Jupiter Sister, Mercurius. In a hurry to bail out of the Chihiro route after receiving a kiss from her, Keima gives her a cold dismissal that was witnessed by Ayumi; resulting in a complete failure to awaken Mercurius.

After returning home, Diana approaches Keima. She confesses that the reason her wings haven't appeared yet like her other Jupiter Sisters is because she feels guilt for having fallen in love with Keima as well; forcibly switching into Tenri afterwards to try to help the relationship grow between the two. Instead, Tenri uses this time to cheer Keima up after feeling depressed over what had just transpired.

The next day, the Mai-High Festival begins.

  • Love Triangle: Keima ends up getting stuck in a major one between Ayumi and Chihiro throughout this arc as he tries to figure out which of the two has the final Jupiter Sister.
  • Red Herring: Chihiro throughout the entire Goddess Saga turns out to be this, as she actually liked Keima from the beginning without any intrusion on Keima's part, rather than being a goddess host.
  • Wham Episode: What goes down in chapters 166 and 167 is set to make anyone heart-broken.
