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Recap / The World God Only Knows Dokuro Arc

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Chapters 196-202

Short Summary

Now in the past, Keima comes across a young girl named Dokuro (the girl from his visions), and must stop her from successfully committing suicide. In addition, Keima realizes that he was brought back to a time a few days before the mass spirit escape.

Main Summary

  • Emotionless Girl: What Dokuro comes off as.
  • Fountain of Youth: Whenever Dokuro is overtaken by despair, she starts regressing in age until she's a baby, which initiates a Reset Button.
  • Interrupted Suicide: Keima's goal in this arc regarding the Dokuro ordeal. It actually takes him several attempts.
  • Out of Focus: Played with in-universe as Elsea complains about being left out of the story.
