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Recap / The Smurfs Book 13, Story 1: The Smurflings

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A comic book adaptation of the cartoon show episode of the same name and also "Sassette".

Tropes associated with this story include:

  • Big "SHUT UP!": Papa Smurf yells "ENOUGH!" when the Smurfs in the orchestra play too loudly when he was in the middle of a critical experiment.
  • Child Hater: Grouchy comes off as one toward all four of the Smurflings, though Snappy pre-emptively saying "I hate grownups" before Grouchy had a chance to say anything doesn't really help the situation.
  • Everything Is an Instrument: The Smurflings upstage Brainy Smurf's orchestral performance with music from instruments made of junk.
  • Fainting: Vanity, when he sees Nat, Snappy, and Slouchy in their new clothes.
  • Fountain of Youth: Nat, Snappy, and Slouchy are irrevocably transformed into Smurflings.
  • Getting the Boot: Brainy, by the Smurflings.
  • The Ghost: Father Time, whose workshop appears in the comic book universe but he himself does not appear in the story.
  • Motor Mouth: Sassette never stops asking questions once she appears.
  • Naked on Arrival: Sassette when she was first created, which leads to the following trope...
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: Nat, Snappy, and Slouchy try to avert their eyes as they give Sassette a hat and pink overalls to wear.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: In the original French version, Tailor and Sculptor both shared a nickname that led to a confusing situation when Papa Smurf called for Tailor and instead got Sculptor. Since the joke was untranslatable to English, Papercutz simply had both Smurfs referred to as "Smurf".
  • Produce Pelting: Brainy gets a tomato in the face when he complains about the Smurflings' music.
  • Why Am I Ticking?: Sassette is made with the same formula that Gargamel used to create Smurfette, but with less clay. Gargamel purposely tampered with the formula by putting a spell on the blue clay by making it explode when it is exposed to the noonday sun. When Papa Smurf finds out about the blue clay tampering, he quickly creates a formula to counteract the effects and splash it on Sassette before she explodes. When Sassette goes out into the forest to find Gargamel, he quickly scrambles for safety to prevent himself from being taken out by her at the time when she would explode.
