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Recap / The Review Team S 2 E 16 Adventure And Espionage

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The 33rd episode and Part 3 of '20,000 Leagues Under Sanity'.

Flapjack, Bubbie, and Tafeli are in the same cell. They are met by Metal Gear RAY and they learn that not only was Metal Gear RAY's life a bit sucky, but that their friends are going to be tortured to death by the mad Colonel. However, Metal Gear RAY is swayed by Flapjack's kindness and he tells them how to cut the power. This leads to Flapjack and Tafeli risking their lives to do so. It ends up working, but they are soon chased by Shrimp Drones. The others break free (with Godzilla staying behind for some reason) and Metal Gear RAY even joins their party. He seemingly sacrifices himself to give the others time to get to the choppers, but he comes out alive...until Colonel Kernal splits him in half, setting up a final confrontation.

