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Recap / The Raccoons S 1 E 2 "Going It Alone!"

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Airdate: 1985

Bert climbs Evergreen Mountain to prove to Ralph and Melissa that he can do something on his own. Meanwhile, Cyril plans to stop Bert to keep a dark family secret hidden.

Going It Alone! contains examples of:

  • I Gave My Word: Cyril spread the rumor of the Grimm and installed death traps on the mountain because he gave his uncle his word that he'd keep the family secret of a Sneer who gave everything to charity.
  • Rope Bridge: One of Cyril's traps severs a rope bridge while Bert is crossing.
  • Visual Pun: Bert attaches an extra seat to Ralph and Melissa's bike so he can ride with them, unaware he's interrupting their time alone. In other words, he's being a literal third wheel in their relationship.
