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Recap / The Odd Couple 1970 S 1 E 2 The Fight Of The Felix

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After violent hockey player Splint McCullough gives him a black eye, Oscar plans to write a humiliating column on him for revenge. Felix goes to talk to the irascible sportsman in person and accidentally triggers his jealous rage. Can Oscar find some way out of Felix boxing McCullough before his friend ends up in the hospital?

This episode includes examples of the following tropes:

  • Chekhov's Gun: Felix's back freezes up while he's play-sparring with his old boxing gloves, which doesn't give Oscar any more confidence. During his warm-up for the match itself, it happens again.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Splint McCullough does not like even the slightest possibility of romance between his girlfriend Irma and another guy, which gets Felix in trouble after he catches them in a compromising position.
  • Jerk Jock: While it is possible to have a friendly conversation with him, Splint has a jealous eye, a Hair-Trigger Temper, and a reputation for spending most games in the penalty box due to unsportsmanlike play.
  • Kick Them While They're Down: Splint already outweighs Felix in terms of muscle, making the fight unfair from the start. However, he solidifies his nastiness when he still plans to hit Felix after his back freezes up, making him unable to dodge or retaliate. It's the last straw for Irma, who leaves him.
  • Operation: Jealousy: Irma admits to making Splint jealous purposely so he'll pay attention to her. The trickery shocks Felix, who tells her that a lady like her shouldn't need to resort to such tactics.
  • Pop-Culture Pun Episode Title: The title is based on the film The Flight Of The Phoenix.
  • Skewed Priorities: While telling Oscar about Splint forcing him into a fight, Felix moans about the ruined beef Wellington, which no one removed from the oven. He doesn't find the incoming match intimidating, thinking his skill at boxing will suffice to protect him. Oscar, however, is aghast that his roommate made such a dangerous deal and doesn't even seem to recognize the seriousness of his predicament.
  • Take Back Your Gift: After the match, Irma tells Splint that she's leaving him and hands back the season tickets to his games, saying that she never wants to see him or his hockey games again.
  • Taking the Bullet: When Splint still plans to hit Felix while he's unable to fight back, Oscar declares that he won't tolerate it. He ends up with a black eye to match the first one.
