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Recap / The Nostalgia Critic S 4 E 15

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Release: April 12, 2011

Film The Magic Voyage (1992/1994)

This review contains examples of:

  • Big "SHUT UP!": During a scene of madness, Arnold Schwarzenegger shuts everyone up through a clip from Kindergarten Cop.
  • Call-Back / Continuity Nod: Critic recalls Mickey Rooney's to his role as the narrator of The Care Bears Movie by snowing Mr. Cherrywood's "rape face" from his review of the film.
  • Hope Spot: Also doubles as Tempting Fate. Despite being upset that Dom DeLuise is the voice of Christopher Columbus (and that he was in so many other bad movies in general), the critic tries to be optimistic with the fact that Dom DeLuise is actually Italian (like Christopher Columbus) and can probably provide an authentic Italian accent for the character..cue a clip displaying the rather stereotypical Italian accent Dom provides for the character instead.
  • Inferred Holocaust: Invoked. Critic mentions that while Columbus and Pico discovered the New World, he mentions what will happen to the natives once settlers arrive.
    Critic: (Italian accent) Oh, and don't forgets about-a the slaughtering! Lots-a and lots of a-slaughtering! Don't look for a G-rating on-a the next one folks, it's a-going to be a bloodbath!
  • My Country Tis of Thee That I Sting: Critic blasts American filmmakers for not even getting American history right.
  • Shout-Out
  • Subverted Catchphrase: "I'm The Nostalgia Critic and... read a book."
  • Take That!: Critic calls the movie "box-office sodomy" during Pico and Marilyn's Disney Acid Sequence.
  • We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties: At the beginning of the review, Critic goes nuts from seeing the movie and breathes fire at the screen, followed by a card of Critic taking pills with the caption "One Moment Please" while music from New Super Mario Bros. Wii plays.
  • What Do You Mean, It's for Kids? Critic says the film has rather disturbing imagery like the "spyglass" scene and Columbus nearly getting hanged.

"Boyoyoyoyoing! (giggles)"
