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Recap / The Nostalgia Critic S 10 E 5

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Release: March 7, 2017

Focus: Evil Dead (1981) vs. Evil Dead (2013)

Tagline: The remake surprisingly got a lot of respect, but is it any match for the original cult classic?


  • Best Story: 2013 version
  • Best Main Character: 2013 version
  • Best Fucking Supporting Cast: 1981 version
  • Best Gore: 1981 version
  • Best Atmosphere: 1981 version

  • Winner: 1981 version, 3-2


  • Acting for Two: Malcolm plays both Benny the Assassin and his brother, a couples' therapist named Bill.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: The Critic has been kidnapped by Hyper and Devil Boner. By this point he's been kidnapped so many times he takes it incredibly causally and seems more annoyed than anything else. Even Devil Boner preparing to kill him doesn't do more than irritate him.
  • Continuity Nod: The puppet that Hyper Fangirl uses as part of the therapy session is the same as Julie Taymor's puppet from the Cool World review, but with glasses.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Notes Ash in the first film is very different from the character he becomes in the sequels, which is why he awards the 'Best Main Character' point to the remake.
  • Insane Troll Logic: This part of Hyper Fangirl and Devil Boner's immature argument:
    Fangirl: It's like you to gloat!
    Boner: Well, it's like you to goat!
    Fangirl: What?
    Boner: You heard me!
    Fangirl: Yeah, I heard you, but I didn't get it.
    Boner: You didn't get it just to spite me!
  • Logic Bomb: When Critic gives the point for best main character to the remake, despite agreeing with him Devil Boner uncontrollably tries to kill him for saying anything bad about Bruce Campbell.
  • Morton's Fork: When the score is tied, the two movies each having two points with the fifth category being the tie-breaker, Devil Boner and Hyper Fangirl each intend to threaten the Critic's life if their favored movie loses to the other.
    Devil Boner: (placing his gun against the Critic's head) The next one better go to the remake, or everyone's gonna ask what's that bowl of Spaghetti-O's that used to be the Nostalgia Critic's FACE!
    Hyper Fangirl: Or it can go to the original so I won't have to surgically remove my foot from the exploded remains of what used to be your testicles.
    (The Critic turns to Benny for help, who simply sits casually eating a bag of chips)
    Critic: Well, seeing how there's no way out of this without a huge amount of pain...
    Fangirl: A lot.
    Boner: A lot amount of pain.
    Critic: ...let's just go to the final category: Atmosphere.
  • Precision F-Strike: "Best Fucking Supporting Cast".
  • Shout-Out: The Critic, being held captive against his will, casually remarks that he has been kidnapped so often now that he thinks there is a plumber somewhere being told that he is being held in another castle.
  • Sore Loser: Devil Boner is about to blast off the critic's head when he gives the deciding point to the original. Thankfully, Benny calms him down by recommending he and Hyper Fangirl talk to his therapist brother Bill.

