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Recap / The Nostalgia Critic Hitler Spoof

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Release: February 4, 2010

This video contains examples of:

  • Bring My Brown Pants: When Hitler is told that That Guy With the Glasses did a Hitler Rants video:
    Hitler: This room's going to reek in a moment... I just shit my pants with anger.
  • Dueling Shows: Invoked. Hitler praises Spoony, saying "that fucker knows how to be funny".
  • Gag Sub: As with all Hitler Rants videos.
  • Here We Go Again!: Finding out The Nostalgia Critic is going to review Bébé's Kids next sends Hitler into another tirade.
  • Irony: In the beginning, one of Hitler's aides tells Hitler that Hitler Rants videos are all over the web, but ironically have driven almost nobody to see the movie Downfall where the clip originally came from.
  • No Fourth Wall: Hitler is complaining about Doug Walker making a Hitler Rants video... IN a Hitler Rants video made by Doug Walker.
  • Self-Deprecation: Among the criticisms that Hitler levels against Doug Walker: He has no original ideas (hence why he made a Hitler Rants video), his Junior review sucked (and Schwarzenegger month was "adequate at best"), Melvin: Brother of the Joker is only enjoyed by dickholes, he can't spell, he can't do math, his Video Game Confessions accent is muddled, and Chester A. Bum is completely unfunny and the same shtick every time.
  • Sequel Hook:
    Hitler: But it could be worse... he could be reviewing "Bebe's Kids".
    Aide: (nervously) Mein fuehrer...
  • Too Much Information: After shouting numerous sentences, Hitler remarks, "I just passed a kidney stone."
  • Writers Cannot Do Math: Referencing the 9+9+9=21 error in his End of Days review.
