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Recap / The Midnight Club Episode 6 Witch

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With Anya's health hanging in the balance, Ilonka and the others move quickly to perform a ritual from the Midnight Club's past. Meanwhile, Kevin continues his story of Dusty the teenage serial killer, and Ilonka begins a story of a teenage girl learning the secrets of magic from her mother, a modern-day witch.

Tropes in this episode.

  • Palm Bloodletting: Part of the ritual of the five sisters involves each of the participants doing this, and then wiping the blood of the forehead of the person to be healed. All the club members do this to Anya, mostly using the ritual knife Ilonka found in the basement. Spence is the only one to use his own pocket knife, as he's HIV positive and does not want to be sharing blood with anyone.
  • Worst Aid: Twice:
    • Yes club members, share a potentially filthy (maybe Ilonka cleaned it?) knife to slice your palms, potentially exposing your immunocompromised bodies to a whole host of infections and blood born diseases, barely even wiping it down between each member's use. Spence at least has sense to use his own clean knife to prevent transmitting his HIV to the others.
    • Spence clarifies to Anya that she won't contract HIV by having his blood on her forehead. He's correct, as long as his blood stays outside her body. But then part of the ritual involves pouring water over Anya's head, washing all the club members' blood down her face and potentially into her eyes and mouth, at which point Spence's safety assurance goes right out the window. Anya makes it clear she is beyond caring though.

Tropes in Kevin's story:

The Wicked Heart (Part 2)

Tropes in Ilonka's story:

Witch (Part 1)

Based On: Witch by Christopher Pike.
  • Genre Shift: Ilonka strays out of the usual Midnight Club horror realm and tells an Urban Fantasy story with some horror elements.
  • Urban Fantasy: The story takes place in suburbia in the 1990s and involves modern-day witches who cast spells.
