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Recap / The Lion Guard S 1 E 12 The Mbali Fields Migration

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Summary: Kion and the Guard must lead a large herd through the Outlands to find a less crowded grazing ground.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Animal Gender-Bender: Swala's horns are much too long for a female gazelle's. Long horns are exclusively a male trait.
  • Badass Adorable: Muhimu's newborn colt is only a few minutes old, but he has a kick that can send a young adult hyena flying.
  • Clean, Pretty Childbirth: The birth of Muhimu's foal. While he does look obviously wet, there are no other signs that he's just come out of a uterus, and it's his whinnying, not the smell of blood, that attracts the hyenas.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Bunga has no idea what Muhimu, who is in huge pain, means by baby until she calls him a honey badger, at which point he suddenly realizes what's going on.
  • Heroic BSoD: Kion when the herds start doubting him and the Guard. Thankfully, he regains his confidence after receiving advice from Mufasa as well as support from Muhimu.
  • Idiot Ball: Janja deciding to go right up toward the baby was pretty dangerous even for him, and its a miracle Muhimu didn't kill him.
  • Maternity Crisis: Of course Muhimu's foal would pick the height of a dangerous journey to be born.
  • Meaningful Name: Mbali means "nothing" in Swahili, a reference to the fact that the fields are devoid of herbivores. Muhimu also means "important" in Swahili and it makes sense since she is giving birth.
  • Oh, Crap!: Everyone in the Guard when they realize Muhimu has to give birth.
  • Running Gag: Muhimu calls Bunga "muskrat" repeatedly, and her finally calling him a honey badger is what causes him and the Guard to realize what is happening.
  • Shout-Out
  • Somewhere, an Equestrian Is Crying: The zebras are all making horse sounds, an exceedingly common faux pas in animation that the original film averts in the first five minutes. This is particularly glaring with the newborn colt, who whinnies like an adult horse rather than a newborn foal of any equine species, let alone a zebra.
  • Tempting Fate: First time Ono does it about the storm, and the second time Bunga does it by saying that at least it's not raining. He immediately lampshades it by saying he wished he hadn't said it.
