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Recap / The Interns S 7 E 1

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Lobanov is unusually, unnaturally happy. Why? Because Olga now would return to him! Lobanov is quick to start mocking Phil about it... but Phil knows that it's not certain yet, and plays along just to see his face when he realises that it was just a coincidence and Olga would stay with Phil. His plan works, but Olga (who actually asked Phil to warn Semyon) gets angry. Phil only makes the situation worse with his jealousy.

Gleb provokes Varya into playing darts on wishes... and loses, meaning that she can now force him to do something humiliating. Except... she has no imagination, and all her ideas are lame. Gleb refuses to do anything until she creates something really creative and funny. She uses an intercom to announce a contest for best humiliating wish. Many ideas are so humiliating, Gleb decides that he would rather do her original proposal.

Bykov thinks that Anastasia plans to gift him a new bike, as a reward for him saving her from reassignment to Zvenigorod, and is in anticipation. Rather than asking her directly, he provided her with countless "subtle" hints about him wanting a new bike (to make it look like she decided it by herself), like making comments about Terminator's bike, talking about a new bike in his sleep, putting edited poster of himself with a bike on their wall, or by solving a crossword (aloud), with correct word being "bike". Kupitman, of course, doesn't believe that this would ever happen. Meanwhile, Gleb tells his grandmother about Kisegach's relationship with Bykov, and now she wants to meet him in person, today. Knowing how it may end, she tries to subtly warn him about "surprise" he would receive this evening. As Bykov now doesn't shut up about new bike, Kupitman asks Anastasia directly (warning her to not gift him bike), only to learn that "surprise" is her mother. He finds it funny, while she realises what would happen when Bykov meets her mother at the restaurant. Her fears gets proven right, when, the moment two meets, they instantly goes into conflict. Anastasia defuses the situation by promising to buy him bike if he would act nicely near her mother.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Don't Celebrate Just Yet: Semyon thinks that Olga is now his, and already mocks Phil for losing her. Except... it's only him who is so confident of this; she told him nothing yet, and Phil is convinced that Lobanov is too quick to start celebrating. To make his lesson a bit more harsh, he plays along with Semyon's delusions. This is made worse by Lobanov telling everyone he can about it.
  • Do Wrong, Right: Gleb is opposed to Varya's ideas for humiliating wish... because her ideas as so lame and boring, they are not worth executing. She must think of something more creative, chance like this comes only once in a life. He changes mind when she comes with something truly humiliating.
  • Gilligan Cut: Gleb asks Semyon to be tactful and do not mock Phil about Olga (who now apparently would dump him for Semyon). Lobanov tells him that he is not that kind of a man... and then proceeds to do exactly that. Except, Phil is not harmed at all: he thinks that Lobanov is too quick to celebrate his victory, and plays along only to see Semyon's face when Olga would tell him to leave her alone herself.
  • Gone Horribly Right: When Gleb rejects every single of Varya's ideas... she uses an intercom to announce a contest for most creative (and humiliating) idea, with some ideas being so extreme, Gleb decides that he would rather do original, "boring" one.
  • Hint Dropping: Rather than asking outright, Bykov gives Kisegach a series of bike-related hints. They quickly becomes rather blatant, especially if taken together, but Kisegach misses every one of them until Kupitman just tells her directly. Unfortunately, by this point, she already promised Bykov "a surprise"... meaning meeting her mother.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Olga never planned to return to Semyon. But because Phil, despite being asked to tell this to Lobanov, played along with his delusions out of spite, which broke Semyon's heart when he realised the truth, she gets very angry at Phil, putting their relationship on the edge.
  • Humiliating Wager: Varya wins a bet with Gleb, meaning she can force him to do something humiliating. Except... her idea of "something humiliating" (like going on the reception, and scream like a rooster via intercom) is so lame, Gleb tells her that she wastes her only chance and must think better. So, when he rejects all her ideas, she uses an intercom to announce a contest for most creative (and humiliating) "wish", after which he realises that he is in deep trouble. Some ideas she collected are so harsh, he decides that boring or not, it's better to accept her original idea.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: Gleb provokes Varya into playing darts, saying that she probably would hit the wall on her first try... only for her to hit bullseye. Gleb assumes it to be Beginner's Luck and asks her to try again (this time with a bet; loser would execute winner's wish). She again hits bullseye, meaning that Gleb had lost.
  • Jerkass Ball: Phil, normally nicest amongst interns, decides to play along with Semyon's delusions, wanting to see his face when Lobanov himself would realise that his hopes were for nothing — even though Olga directly asked him to stop it. When confronted about it, he goes into conflict with her and stops just short of accusing her of "cheating" on him with Semyon (over her dancing with Lobanov).
  • Kick the Dog: Both Semyon and Phil, towards each other. Semyon (despite Gleb telling him not to) brags about his reunion with Olga (which did not actually happen yet), Phil plays along with this delusion just out of spite (despite Olga actually asking him to tell everything), as he wants to see his face when all his hopes would go for nothing. While neither of them is portrayed as being in right, Phil's actions are portrayed as being more cruel and certainly not deserved.
  • Love Triangle: Between Olga, Phil and Semyon. Semyon thinks that Olga would return to him, Phil becomes very jealous, and Olga... is not sure anymore what to do.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: Gleb made a mistake of telling his grandmother about Bykov... and now she wants to meet him. This wouldn't end well, because she has just as toxic personality as Bykov. To subtly prepare Bykov to this, Kisegach tells him about vague "surprise" this evening... which later, when Kupitman tells her how Bykov interpreted this, leads to realisation what would happen once Bykov, instead of a bike, would receive her mother.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Subverted with Phil playing along with Semyon's delusions; while Semyon was certainly wrong, Phil acting so cruel to him as payback is portrayed as being just as cruel, if not worse, not to mention that he does that despite being asked to reveal everything by Olga herself. Phil's behaviour when she confronts him makes him even less sympathetic.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Bykov and Kisegach, again:
    • Bykov wants new bike and makes rather blatant hints at it, but because he is crazy, Kisegach never realises that his "signs" have some hidden purpose beyond him being eccentric.
    • Kisegach's mother arrived and wants to meet Bykov in person. Instead of telling him outright, she promises him a "surprise" this evening, forgetting about his weird bike-related antics. Three guesses what Bykov expected this surprise to be.
  • Troll: Gleb's response to Kisegach telling him about her mother wanting to meet Bykov (thanks to Gleb telling her about him) implies that he did this on purpose; while he is not openly hostile to her relationship with Bykov now, this does not mean that he accepts it.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Lobanov tells everyone about his reunion with Olga. This is not true yet, Semyon is just too quick to jump to conclusions, but he acted so arrogantly, Phil decided to play along, so he would be last one to laugh. Except... Olga considers maintaining Semyon's delusions to be no less a dick move than Semyon's own actions; their conversation quickly escalates into a conflict because Phil is jealous and stops just short from outright accusing her of cheating because she kissed Lobanov. Now she is very angry at Phil.
