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Recap / The Goldbergs S 10 E 20 Uptown Boy

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A Plot: While remaking the music video for Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl", Adam meets Carmen's "downtown" father, and learns to become a "downtown man" from the JTP and Bill Lewis to impress him.

B Plot: Erica is worried about her future, and decides to start a baby food business with her mother, who is overjoyed...while trying to hide that her "homemade" baby food is actually Gerber-brand. Things get more complicated when Beverly learns that Erica's using it as an excuse to not become a lawyer and spend time away from Muriel.

  • Added Alliterative Appeal: In The Tag, Beverly suggests new businesses they could try instead of "Bubby Bevy's Baby Food", such as "Bubby Bevy's Baby Booties" and "Bubby Bevy's Bath Bombs".
  • Call-Back: Beverly repeatedly brings up how she's an "international bestseller cookbook author" when telling Ginsey and Essie how she needs to preserve her reputation as an excellent cook, even when she doesn't have the time and has to rely on store-bought products instead.
  • Family Versus Career: It turns out that Erica is dealing with this, not wanting to continue applying to be a lawyer because she's worried about spending time away from Muriel.
  • Insecure Love Interest: When Adam's told by Carmen that he shouldn't meet her father, Adam becomes this, and tries to change his image to be more like him. It then turns out that Carmen lied and her father was actually looking forward to meeting Adam, with Carmen having to apologize and admit her own insecurity so Adam won't think she's embarrassed by him.
  • Shout-Out: Erica gets inspired by Diane Keaton in Baby Boom (1987), particularly Keaton's character creating baby food company "Country Baby", when designing a business with her mother that she names "Bubby Bevy's".
  • Snowball Lie: Erica is so impressed with Bev's homemade baby food that she puts a lot of effort to brand it as Bubby Bevy's Baby Food. Then Bev confesses to Ginsey that her food is really just Gerber's baby food that she removes from its jars and puts into new jars. After an attempt to recreate it fails, she tries to confess, but by then Erica had set up a booth at the farmer's market.
  • Title Drop: When Adam talks to Barry about his relationship with Carmen, Barry points out that he's an Uptown Boy to her Downtown Girl. Later, when going to apologize, Carmen uses the same terms.
