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Recap / The Ghost And Molly Mc Gee S 1 E 12 No Good Deed

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Original air date: 10/30/2021

Production code: 106b

Molly tries to stop her brother Darryl from being such a delinquent by giving him "nice lessons".


  • Artistic License – Prison: There is no way Daryl's plan to trick the teachers into getting into prison for "team-building exercises" would work in real life. Prison populations are kept under constant surveillance and any new prisoners are noted well in advance of their arrival. Three people in orange jumpsuits who randomly show up at a prison without an escort or any paperwork would never be mistaken for inmates, let alone actually let inside.
  • Be Yourself: Played for Laughs. Daryl comes to the conclusion that since he's a Hero with an F in Good, he should just be this and hope for the best.
  • Comically Missing the Point: The teachers seem to think the prison is some sort of escape room, despite a poster hanging in their cell that says "This Is Not A Game!"
  • Captivity Harmonica: Played by Scratch.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Darryl tried to ride in a cart using a blower which started the whole plot. Later teachers decided to use the same trick to escape from "team-building grounds".
  • Damsel out of Distress: The teachers managed to escape only by themselves, without Scratch, Molly and Darryl's help.
  • Deus Exit Machina: Scratch gets electrocuted and started acting silly and only become sober again when teachers pull the prison break at the final part.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Darryl managed to get three teachers sent to prison under the guise of it being a team-building exercise. Reasoning that he's following Molly's teachings since the teachers make the kids miserable, and getting them out of the picture will make the other kids happy. But Molly points out the flaw in his reasoning, that his thinking is tailored to only making the kids happy but not to making the teachers happy, and he hadn't considered how they might feel about being thrown in prison. Darryl is utterly astonished at the idea that teachers might have feelings too.
  • G-Rated Drug: It turns out electric currents make ghosts act "silly", as after getting shocked by an electric fence Scratch starts acting like a surly drunk. They even mention him "sleeping it off".
  • Hero with an F in Good: Daryl takes Molly's lessons totally the wrong way, to the point that he gets three of Brighton Middle School's teachers sent to prison under the guise of a team-building exercise.
  • Hope Spot: At first, Darryl seems to understand Molly's lessons: think of others, take responsibility for your own actions, and find solutions to problems. He bakes his mother's favorite cookies, speaks politely, and lets others go first. Then it turns out that he uses Molly's lessons to justify more manipulative behavior, namely sending the three teachers that hate his guts to prison under the guise of it being a mandated team-building exercise.
  • Insane Troll Logic: How Darryl justifies sending three of the teachers to prison: they're always fighting with each other and making the kids miserable, causing a problem. If there are no teachers, there is no problem and kids would be much happier. So he sends them jumpsuits and a note in a gift basket, copying the principal's signature and telling them a trip to prison is a team-building exercise. Now the kids are happy, he took responsibility, and he thought of others' feelings. Molly points out the problem: he didn't consider how the teachers would feel about it. His response: "Teachers... have feelings?"
  • Non-Protagonist Resolver: Played With. The teachers escaped from prison only by themselves, without Molly, Darryl and Scratch's help. But using Darryl's mischief that started this mess in the first place.
  • Literal Metaphor: After coming to, Scratch says he has a splitting headache. Followed by his entire body splitting in half.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Normally, the McGees are pretty lackadaisical towards Darryl's mischief. They mainly ask him to try not to get in trouble. Here, both parents read him the riot act for getting in trouble again, saying that they can't tolerate this behavior.
    • Molly likewise believes in fundamental goodness and doesn't get angry at people. She legitimately loses it at Darryl for his prison scheme. Scratch actually takes a photo for posterity.
  • Prison Episode: Daryl tricks the teachers to go into prison thinking it was a bonding exercise.
  • Prison Riot: The teachers inadvertently start one while trying to solve what they thought was an escape room.
  • Prisons Are Gymnasiums: The teachers pretend to work out to distract the guards. Much to their confusion.
  • Shout-Out: The teachers, thinking their prison cell is an escape room, spot a cracked wall hidden behind a poster and reason that's their escape route, a la The Shawshank Redemption.
  • Spoof Aesop: Daryl concludes that since he's so bad at being a good kid, he should be his usual rowdy self and hope for the best.
  • Teachers Out of School: Daryl is shocked when he realizes that teachers might actually have feelings.
  • Two-Teacher School: Three in this case. It looks like Brighton Middle School only has three teachers and a director because Darryl gets complaints from all of school and they're the only school staff shown. And later, after Darryl get rid of those three teachers, the school is cancelled because of the lack of staff.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Molly tells off Darryl for using her etiquette lessons as a way to fool the teachers into going to prison as a team-building exercise.
