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Recap / The Dukes Of Hazzard S 6 E 6 Boss Behind Bars

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Tropes present in this episode:

  • The Big Race: At the start of the episode several retired Ridge Runners, including Jesse and Boss Hogg, have a memorial race which kicks off the plot.
  • Cardboard Prison: When Boss is in a jail cell banging on the bars wailing to be let out, he discovers that the cell isn't actually locked. He sneaks out behind Rosco and Enos, who are discussing the evidence in the case.
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: Rosco and Enos don't show up until after the Dukes have already subdued the Beaudrys.They do haul the Beaudrys off to jail though.
  • Clear My Name: Boss realizes that Rosco won't go after the Beaudrys so he breaks out of jail and chases after them himself.
  • Clear Their Name: The Dukes are looking into the Beaudrys and would have captured them even if Boss didn't break out of jail.
  • Cop Hater: The Beaudrys hate "revenuers" and have set up assorted traps to stop them, or worse.
  • Denied Food as Punishment: Big Eater Boss is disappointed, to put it mildly, when Rosco brings him his jail lunch - bread and water. It's all the sheriff's office can afford to give prisoners due to the tight budget that Boss gives them.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Daisy manages to get Milo to confess messing with Jesse's car by flirting with him.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Flash, Rosco's canine unit/pet, always barks at Boss including this time when he escapes, alerting Rosco to the development.
  • Frame-Up: Pa Beaudry frames Boss for Vehicular Sabotage so Pa can steal one of Boss's stills while he's in jail. Boss moans "now I know how the Dukes feel!" (But see Ignored Epiphany below.)
  • Guilt by Coincidence: Boss thinks that the Duke boys may have made some illegal adjustments to Jesse's car so he goes out to look at it. Enos sees him there; later when Jesse's car crashes due to Vehicular Sabotage that fact "proves" that Boss did it (along with the nut and cotter pin that Pa Beaudry planted in Boss's pocket).
  • Hide the Evidence: Pa Beaudry puts the nut and cotter pin that he removed from Jesse's car's steering mechanism in Boss Hogg's pocket, framing him for the crime.
  • Hot Pursuit: Zig-Zagged. Rosco is only in "Hot Pursuit" of escaped prisoner Boss Hogg, but Boss convinces Rosco to go after the Beaudrys, who live Tennessee which is outside Rosco's jurisdiction. No local law enforcement officers show up for the Jurisdiction Friction that normally arises though.
  • Ignored Epiphany: After the Dukes help Boss clear his name, Boss has Rosco write them a ticket for illegal parking after blatantly placing a "no parking" sign where they were already parked.
  • Institutional Apparel: Unlike every other time someone is put in the Hazzard County Jail, Rosco makes Boss take off his clothes and put on jail blues including a little blue cap.
  • Made of Explodium: Luke blows up the Beaudrys' stolen still with a dynamite arrow that isn't even lit!
  • Minor Crime Reveals Major Plot: When the Dukes see the Beaudrys hightailing it out of town with a still in the back of their pickup truck, they put two and two together, realizing that the Beaudrys framed Boss for messing with Jesse's car in order to get Boss out of the way while they stole one of his stills.
  • Never Learned to Read: When the Beaudrys arrive at the Boar's Nest one of the sons asks Pa what a big sign says. He looks at it, obviously he can't read it either, but bluffs by looking around and seeing that a race has been set up. "It says there's gonna be a race."
  • Not Me This Time: Boss swears, honestly for once, that he had nothing to do with Jesse's crash.
  • Not Now, Kiddo: At first Rosco interprets Flash barking at Boss as her wanting a treat.
  • One Phone Call: Boss insists on talking to the Governor, or even the President, but Enos tells him he already had his one phone call.
    Boss: But it was a wrong number!
  • Pop the Tires: Rosco successfully[!] shoots out the front tire of the police car Boss had taken.
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: Boss tries to invoke this, since he's the most important man in Hazzard County government, but Rosco jails him anyway, treating him like a common criminal.
  • Sequel Episode: To "Daisy's Shotgun Wedding."
  • Series Continuity Error: Why isn't Jesse driving his old ridge runner car "Sweet/Black Tilly" in the race?
  • Vehicular Sabotage: Pa Beaudry removes a cotter pin from Jesse's car, causing the steering to go out and Jesse to crash.
