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Recap / The Dukes Of Hazzard S 4 E 8 The Ten Million Dollar Sheriff

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Tropes present in this episode:

  • Bounty Hunter: Jeffrey Steele, who sadistically pursues the innocent Bo and Luke as though they were vicious, bloodthirsty criminals.
  • Criminal Doppelgänger: The painted Dodge Charger used by bounty hunter Jeffrey Steele, which bears such an exact resemblance that it fools Bo and Luke (the doors to the authentic car were welded shut; this car's doors open and shut like normal).
  • Forging the Will: Although not deliberately — the $10 million reference is a simple clerical error that isn't discovered until some time after Hosiah Coltrane's attorney first read the will ... and Rosco has had plenty of time to wreak havoc on his friends and adversaries with his thought-to-be-newfound wealth.
  • Nouveau Riche: Which is what Rosco becomes after thinking he had just become a multi-millionaire. In addition to becoming outright rude to everyone (including Cletus), indifferent as to the Dukes' safety or Uncle Jesse's health (after Jesse is injured trying to keep an eye on Steele), and freely speaking his mind about his boss, Boss, Rosco spends his inheritance on rhinestone suits, expensive jewels and a platinum-plated Rolls Royce. (All in addition to promising a $100,000 payoff to the bounty hunter if he captures the Duke boys.)
  • Papa Wolf: Uncle Jesse has been this throughout the series, and this episode was a prime example of Jesse doing what he can – even if it means risking his health, if not his life – to ensure the safety of nephews Bo and Luke, who would likely be shot on sight if Jeffrey Steele gets the opportunity.
  • Unexpected Inheritance: There was never any indication that Rosco was particularly close to his Uncle Hosiah, whose supposed $10 million inheritance justifiably shocks the sheriff.
  • Vigilante Man: Jeffrey Steele, playing the bad guy variant. His tactics in hunting down Bo and Luke as though they had topped the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" list result in Uncle Jesse injuring himself while trying himself to throw Steele off his nephews' trail. Steele threatens his boss (Rosco) several times, and is the type that would fatally wound Cletus if given the chance.
