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Recap / The Amazing Spider-Luz in: Across the Owl-Verse! Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Knowledge Gained, New Friends Met

Tropes That Appear In This Chapter:

  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Luz reveals that her Spider-Sense made Adaghast's entire plan doomed to fail from the get-go.
  • Late to the Action: The chapter opens with Lilith and the Emperor's Coven finding the battleground Luz and the rest of the Owl House fought Adaghast at.
  • Take That!: When asked to lie, Luz makes the claim that cryptocurrency isn't a scam.
  • Wham Line:
    McCoy: My name is Dr. Henry McCoy. I'm an instructor here at Avenger's Academy. And we have some, er, news about your daughter, Luz.
    Camilla: I-is she hurt? Or sick? Or...
    McCoy: Now, that, Ms. Noceda, is actually a very interesting question. One that we cannot answer. Because the "Luz Noceda" who arrived here is not your daughter.
  • Would Hurt a Child: It's noted that Adaghast specifically targets children with his schemes.
