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Recap / The Adventures of Puss in Boots

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Season 1

  1. Hidden
  2. Sphinx
  3. Brothers
  4. Duchess
  5. Adventure
  6. Fountains
  7. Bravery
  8. Golem
  9. Boots
  10. Sword
  11. Mouse
  12. Goblin
  13. Star
  14. Pigs
  15. Luck

Season 2

  1. Dragon
  2. Moles
  3. Mermaid
  4. Bees
  5. Squad
  6. Spells
  7. Scimitar
  8. Stories
  9. Sphere
  10. Si
  11. No?

Season 3

  1. Bootless Cries
  2. Sullen Earth
  3. Ugly Duckling
  4. The Muscle
  5. Sword's Man
  6. Escape Goat
  7. Copy Cat
  8. Coin Toss
  9. King Pickles
  10. Pirate Booty
  11. Cat Fish
  12. Parrot Booty
  13. Skeleton Town

Season 4

  1. Familiar Feeling
  2. In Dreams
  3. Fluteus Maximus
  4. Prey Time
  5. Written By
  6. Breaking Good
  7. Fancy Beast
  8. Titan Up
  9. Boar Games
  10. Small Change
  11. Little Lamb
  12. The Obelisk
  13. The Bloodwolf


  1. Puss in Book: Trapped in an Epic Tale

Season 5

  1. Second To One
  2. Not a Drill
  3. Caballo Sin Cabeza
  4. My Fair Demon
  5. Too Many Cats
  6. Before They Hatch
  7. The Iceman Melteth
  8. Swine and Roses
  9. The Great Stink
  10. Dances With Dingoes
  11. Remember Me Not
  12. Through Caverns Measureless
  13. A Savage Place

Season 6

  1. Save the Town
  2. Save the Cat
  3. Lost and Foundlings
  4. The Scarlet Panther
  5. Pajuna Serves Spirits
  6. One Last Jobs
  7. Like a Fox
  8. Not a Date
  9. Flock the Boat
  10. All Hail, Puss!
  11. The Moving Finger Writes
  12. And, Having Writ, Moves On
