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Recap / The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius S 2 E 6 Holly Jolly Jimmy

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In an attempt to prove Santa Claus does not exist, Jimmy goes to the North Pole with Carl and Sheen and ends up discovering Santa's workshop. When he accidentally scrambles Santa's atoms, Jimmy is then forced to deliver the presents for him and soon learns the true spirit of Christmas. Meanwhile, Hugh is convinced Christmas is cancelled because of Jimmy's actions, so he invents a new holiday.

"Holly Jolly Jimmy" provides examples of:

  • Ambiguously Jewish: Hilariously, Santa Claus himself, being voiced by Mel Brooks. note 
  • Big Damn Heroes: Santa, fully recovered from his atom scramble, shows up just in time to save Jimmy and the gang and complete the present deliveries.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: When Jimmy wonders how Santa is going to deliver the presents to everyone in Retroville before morning, Santa does his own brain blast like Jimmy.
  • Brick Joke: When Jimmy laments that he stopped believing in Santa because he didn't get the dwarf star he wanted some years back, Sheen asks if that was the year he almost destroyed the world and concludes that Jimmy didn't get the star because he was on the naughty list. When Santa shows up later for his Big Damn Heroes moment, he comments that Jimmy has been on the naughty list for a while.
  • Christmas Episode: The episode is set around Christmastime.
  • Christmas Songs: "Basking In The Warmth", sung by the cast to convince Jimmy to at least enjoy Christmas.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • At the end of the episode, Santa gives Jimmy the dwarf star he asked for two years earlier and explains that the star had to be cooled before it was safe for delivery. Jimmy admits he should have realized it from the start.
    • When trying to put Hugh's replacement holiday into action, neither he nor Judy stop to consider that people might not appreciate this random man breaking into their house to give them pie.
  • Flat-Earth Atheist: Even when the group gets to Santa's workshop and interacts with his elves, Jimmy refuses to believe Santa is real.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Throughout the episode, Jimmy doesn't believe in Santa Clause and states it's scientifically impossible for anyone to deliver presents to every house in the world in one night. Later, when he goes to Santa's Workshop in the North Pole, Jimmy (still not believing in Santa) opts to deliver all the presents in one night, stating that if a kid (himself) can deliver all presents using science, then everyone, including Santa's elves, would be forced to “accept the truth” that there is no Santa Claus.note 
  • Laser-Guided Karma: For trying to make everyone hate Jimmy for ruining Christmas after he accidentally scrambles Santa's atoms that they recorded, Santa gives Cindy and Libby lumps of coal.
  • Plot Hole: Jimmy states that it’s scientifically impossible for anyone to deliver presents to every house around the world in one night. Later in Santa’s workshop, he opts to deliver the presents around the world, stating to the Elves that if he can do so in one night using science, then it proves there is no Santa Clause. But didn’t he already say that doing so is scientifically impossible? And even if he was successful, how does that prove Santa doesn’t exist (since he just proved it can be done)?
  • Pseudo-Santa: Hugh decided to create a "Pule", a Portmanteau of "pie" and "Yule" after Jimmy seemingly killed Santa. The new symbol was a pie man who brought good pies to good children and cheese pies to bad children.
  • Riddle for the Ages: What did Jimmy got two years prior instead of the core sample from Dwarf Star NG 738 that made him not believe in Santa? He might have gotten coal, going from what Santa tells him later, but it's not outright stated.
  • Santa's Existence Clause: Jimmy's main issue for the episode. He stopped believing in Santa after he did not get the dwarf star he asked for two years ago, and came to the conclusion he's not real. He soon realizes Santa is indeed real when he shows up to save the boys in time.
  • Special Guest: Mel Brooks as Santa Claus.
  • Subbing for Santa: Jimmy was forced to deliver all the presents of the world after scrambling Santa's atoms.
  • Triumphant Reprise: "Basking In The Warmth" returns in the end in a more cheerful manner as Jimmy and his parents celebrate him finally believing in Santa and Christmas has been saved.
