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Recap / Teen Titans Go S 7 E 32 S And P

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After the Titans pummel a villain in front of some young kids, which traumatizes them, the tiny superhero S(tandards) and superheroine P(ractices) step in to help them clean up their act.


  • Advice Backfire: Once S&P start interrupting their meals instead of just their superhero work, the Titans are upset, saying that the only way they could reach the high standards S&P are trying to enforce is if everything about who they are as characters was changed. However, rather than accepting them for who they are, S&P use their superpowers to force them to change.
  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: In the end, once Backlash turns out to be too powerful for their family-friendly versions of the Titans, S&P realize that the only way to win is to be as gross and as violent as the acts that summoned Backlash in the first place, and they succeed.
  • Book Ends: The episode starts with the Titans fighting the villain violently... and ends with S&P fighting Backlash the exact same way.
  • Comfort Food: After Cyborg accidentally destroys part of the T tower thanks to S&P's advice to shoot the villain from a farther distance, the Titans decide to eat some chili to relieve their stress.
  • Family-Unfriendly Violence: The Titans brutalizing the villain at the start of the episode is what commences the plot. In the end, it's also what takes out Backlash.
  • Literal Metaphor: S&P force the Titans to change in order to avoid Backlash and getting cancelled. Once the Titans rebel, it turns out that they weren't referring to getting in trouble with a television network; there's an actual Anthropomorphic Personification of Backlash who was summoned by their antics and has the power to "cancel" things by disintegrating them into television static.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: S&P end up helping the villain at the start of the episode get away by accident, as the ropes being used to secure him were too tight for their standards.
  • Toilet Humor: S&P consider extreme displays of grossness to be just as bad as extreme displays of violence, stepping in while the Titans are eating chili in order to censor their references to the act of passing gas.
  • Toon Physics: One of the first ways that S&P try to help the Titans avoid Backlash and getting their show cancelled is to suggest implementing these instead of the Family-Unfriendly Violence they were using earlier, such as by having Cyborg beat a villain up by using Beast Boy (turned into a whale) as a club rather than by shooting him in the face with a missile.
