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Recap / Teen Titans Go S 3 E 5 The Spice Game

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The other Titans are sick of Robin's bland cooking, so they attempt to add some spice, eventually going overboard and needing magical milk to stop their mouths from burning.

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The Dairy King.
  • Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce: The Titans minus Robin put hot sauce on the potatoes to make them palatable to them. Even just the scent of it is enough to make Robin choke. Eventually they start drinking it out of the bottle just to get a kick out of it once they've become resistant to spice. Raven conjures a pepper from the Underworld, which turns out to be too spicy for the Titans.
  • Boring Insult: How the Titans feel about Robin's boiled potatoes.
  • Captain Obvious Aesop: After saving the day by spicing things up with salt Robin explains a lesson that one should be moderate in their life, not too bland or too spicy. The other Titans' nonplussed reaction shows they find it hackneyed.
  • Cow Tipping: The Dairy King falls over after Robin milks it dry.
  • Curbstomp Battle: The Dairy King stomps on the other four Titans while Robin is swatted like a fly.
  • The Extremist Was Right: Played with. Robin was right that seeking spicy foods would lead them to intaking more spice until they ruin their lives.
  • Fire-Breathing Diner: The other four Titans' mouths are constantly screaming and shooting fire after eating an evil chili, the Tears of Zephos, that Raven brings in.
  • Growling Gut: The Titans' stomachs all take turns rumbling when they're hungry at the start of the episode.
  • I Warned You: Robin tells them the spicy life would consume the Titans like he said it would after they're rendered screaming messes from eating the Tears of Zephos.
  • Ocular Gushers: Raven's eyes are too teared up from eating the Tears of Zephos to read where the Dairy King's lair is.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: The Titans' reaction to Robin making boiled potatoes for the umpteenth time.
  • Plain Palate: Robin can't even handle boiled potatoes with a grain of salt to them.
  • Salt Solution: Even so much as a GRAIN of salt is too much and makes Robin feel like he just ate a hot pepper. It also allows Robin to get past the Dairy King and milk it to save the Titans.
  • Serial Escalation: The Titans go through varying degrees of spicy peppers to show that they've become numb to spice.
  • She Is the King: The Dairy King is a cow.
  • Stop Saying That!: Cyborg's reaction to Robin saying "When you know what's going in, you know what's coming out" when it comes to serving boiled potatoes.
  • Too Much Information: Cyborg says this about Robin who always says "When you know what's going in, you know what's coming out" as his reason for making boiled potatoes.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Whenever it's Robin's turn to cook, he always makes boiled potatoes which the rest of the team finds bland and tasteless until they add hot sauce to it.
