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Recap / Stargate Atlantis S01 E11 "The Eye"

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How's this for credibility? Weir is dead. Stay out of my way, or McKay will join her.
Acastus Kolya

Of course Kolya didn't really shoot Weir, but Sheppard doesn't know that. After vowing to avenge her, Sheppard heads back into the city as Kolya takes Weir and McKay to the grounding station so that Rodney can repair it before the full force of the storm hits. Rodney is less than pleased with the damage that's been done and makes a big deal out of how much work it'll take to repair it, Weir ad-libs some technobabble to give Rodney an excuse to work slowly and buy Sheppard time.

Over on the mainland, the puddlejumper containing Teyla, Ford and Beckett has entered the eye of the storm, allowing them to fly straight up out of the atmosphere and over the turbulent storm front.

Back in the city Sheppard has been busy. In between taking out Genii guards, he deactivates the generator that powers the control tower, meaning that the Genii can no longer use the city's sensors to track him. As the Genii make arrangements to guard the remaining generators, the grounding station goes dark — oops, looks like he's already got that one too. With no power, Rodney cannot repair the station.

The puddlejumper arrives in the jumper bay and Teyla, Ford and Beckett move out into the city to assist Sheppard. They only have a lifesigns detector with them which cannot differentiate between individual signals so they cannot determine which dot is Sheppard, but Ford isn't worried.

In the control room, the Stargate has just activated and the Genii are expecting 60 soldiers to come marching through. Sheppard sneaks in and punches out the lone technician manning the controls. Just as the first 5 soldiers come through, the gate shield is suddenly raised. Shouting 'Stop him' does not have the desired effect and Sheppard escapes back into the corridors. McKay and Weir both insist that they have no idea how to lower the shield as we are treated to the sound of 55 Genii soldiers going splat. The gate shuts down and Kolya asks about the son of an acquaintance, who was one of the 60 soldiers due to arrive. The news that he didn't make it does not go down well.

Kolya delivers an ultimatum: either Sheppard returns the components he swiped from the generators, or Weir dies. For real this time. Sheppard sees no alternative and doubles back to the generator that feeds the grounding station. Just as he is about to restore power, he is jumped by two Genii guards who demand that he drop his weapons and remain still. His complaint that Kolya will execute his friends if the generator is not repaired is ignored as the guards refuse to listen to him. Fortunately, the cavalry arrive just in time! Teyla and Ford take out the two guards and Sheppard re-activates the generator, the grounding station lights up, Kolya holsters his gun and McKay is ordered to continue repairs.

The repairs complete, McKay successfully deactivates the grounding station and insists that they need to get back to the control room ASAP. With the grounding stations deactivated, every bolt of lightning that hits the city will have nowhere to go and will instead swirl around, electrifying every corridor in the city. Team Sheppard also knows this and heads back too, but they are being tailed by Sora, determined to avenge the death of her father by killing Teyla.

Sheppard and Ford put together a plan to retake the gate room while Teyla and Beckett head off together on their own task. Unfortunately, Sora chooses this moment to strike, incapacitating Beckett and forcing Teyla into a knife fight. McKay gets back to the control room and initiates his program which should channel the lightning, soon to be zapping around the city, into the shield generator.

Diverting power, NOW!
Nothing happens
Nothing continues to happen

Oh dear. Seems that the long shot chance at saving the city has failed — Rodney's program doesn't work and there is now no way to protect the city from the full force of the storm. Kolya decides to cut his losses and retreat through the gate, taking Weir and McKay with him. As they all file through the gate, Sheppard and Ford attack. In the confusion, McKay makes a break for cover as Kolya uses Weir as a human shield. He backs toward the gate and mocks Sheppard. Surely he won't risk hitting Weir.

Kolya takes a single bullet directly to the shoulder, drops Weir and falls backwards through the gate. Weir is shocked, but she'll be OK. McKay runs to a console — his earlier failed attempt at saving the city was just a ruse. There's a tsunami heading their way which will obliterate the city in a little more than 2 minutes. Sheppard instructs him to wait 2 minutes for Teyla and Beckett to make it back to the control room so the two of them will not be killed when the corridors electrify. Teyla wins her fight but refuses to kill Sora, just as Sheppard comes over the radio and warns her that if they are not back in the control room within 2 minutes they will all die. Teyla drops her weapon and runs. An angry but defeated Sora runs after her. They return carrying Beckett just in time as Rodney activates his program. Lightning courses through the city corridors and Rodney casually greets Beckett as the power reaches the necessary levels.

As a massive tidal wave approaches the outer edge of the city, the shield activates and the wave impacts harmlessly. We cut to the next day: the city is safe and the evacuated personnel are returning. Sheppard asks if he can book the next storm off.


  • 2-D Space: Averted. When Ford's group finds themselves in the eye of the storm and Ford sees this as an opportunity to fly back to Atlantis. Beckett protests because the storm is still around them and they can't fly through it, but Ford counters that they're in a spaceship; just go up and over.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Ford's group manages to fly into the city just as Sheppard is cornered by the Genii mooks.
  • Big Storm Episode: Episodes, in this case.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Kolya very visibly wants to kill Weir and McKay, particularly after Sheppard kills almost his entire company of reinforcements, but they're the only ones who can get the shield up. If they die, he loses Atlantis. Kolya later turns this on Sheppard to get him to fix the sabotaged generators, as Weir's life is forfeit if the plan to save the city is no longer viable.
  • The Cavalry: Kolya calls for reinforcements (sixty soldiers, to be precise), but Sheppard sneaks into the control room and closes the iris moments after they've dialed in. Only five make it through, while the rest are only heard as splatting sounds.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: The reason for Sora's Heel–Face Turn. Although as she was member of Koyla's strike force, she technically becomes a POW after this until she is returned to the Genii.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Sora and Teyla go at it, the former plainly outmatched.
  • "Die Hard" on an X: And Sheppard knows it. So he uses some convenient tactics from that against the Genii.
  • Divide and Conquer: Kolya correctly deduces that Sheppard is sabotaging the generators so the Genii will be forced to break into teams to repair the ones he's sabotaged and guard those that remain. He at first refuses to take the bait, but when Sheppard disables power to the broken grounding station before McKay can repair it, he has no choice but to dedicate men to fixing the problem. This plays right into Sheppard's hands, leaving the gate room lightly guarded so he can stop them from bringing reinforcements.
  • Giant Wall of Watery Doom: The tsunami is nearly as tall as Atlantis itself.
  • Go Through Me: McKay steps between Weir and Kolya's gun to plead with the villain, although what he's saying is more along the lines of "please don't shoot us." He later denies any particular courageousness on his part.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Sora comes around a little.
  • Heroic BSoD: Sheppard hits it when Kolya claims Elizabeth is dead, and is notably more brutal and unhinged for much of the episode.
  • Im A Doctor Not A Place Holder: Beckett: "I'm a medical doctor, not a magician!"
  • It Has Been an Honor: Presumably what McKay was trying to say to Weir when she kept cutting him off. She must really have a thing against dying declarations.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: Including power the city's shield generators.
  • Oh, Crap!: Beckett, at the prospect of flying the Puddle Jumper through the eye of the storm. Ford points out it's a spaceship; just go up and over.
  • Portal Slam: Fifty-five of them, after Sheppard gets the shield up.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Sora goes after Teyla, against Kolya's orders and knowing that all the corridors are about to be electrified.
  • Sensor Suspense: Ladon is able to use the city's internal sensors to track Sheppard, but the display doesn't account for height. Sheppard sets up an ambush by dropping smoke grenades and clinging to the ceiling, which confuses the soldiers when they're told that they're right on top of him. Cue bullets and their signals vanishing from the display.
  • Ship Tease: Sheppard's reaction to Elizabeth's "death."
  • Shoot the Hostage Taker: Kolya taunts Sheppard with this possibility (and particularly the fact that Sheppard won't risk a Shoot the Hostage). In response, Sheppard calmly puts a bullet through Kolya's shoulder.
    Sheppard: I'm not aiming at her.
  • Stupid Evil: Kolya screws himself over big-time by pretending to kill Weir, as Sheppard now has no reason to believe the plan is viable and goes on a killing spree.
  • Technobabble: Invoked in Weir's plan for stalling Kolya, telling McKay to make up some excuse to delay repairs.
  • Tranquil Fury: Sheppard's response to Kolya's claim that he's killed Weir is an eerily quiet: "I am going to kill you."
  • What Would X Do?: Sheppard, wandering around the city, asks himself "What would McKay do?"
  • You Killed My Father: A rare villainous example - Sora's reason for going after Teyla.
